
Elixir client for Microsoft bot framework

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

MIT licensed hex.pm version Build Status Inline docs Made with Spacemacs

Elixir Microsoft Bot Client

This library provides Elixir API wrapper for the Microsoft Bot Framework and handles authentication and token management.


API documentation is available at https://hexdocs.pm/ex_microsofbot


  1. Add ex_microsoftbot to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

    def deps do [{:ex_microsoftbot, "~> 1.0.0"}] end

  2. Add the registered bot app id and app password in your config:

    config :ex_microsoftbot, app_id: "BOT_APP_ID", app_password: "BOT_APP_PASSWORD",

  3. Start the ex_microsoftbot:

    def application do [applications: [:ex_microsoftbot]] end


The modules ExMicrosoftBot.Client.Attachments, ExMicrosoftBot.Client.Conversations, ExMicrosoftBot.Client.BotState contains the functions to call the corresponding API of Microsoft Bot Framework. For example

bot_data = ExMicrosoftBot.Client.BotState.get_user_data(channel_id, user_id)

%ExMicrosoftBot.Models.BotData{data: %{}, eTag: "string"}