
Nuget support for gulp streaming build system

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is just a quick draft to get you all started with the plugin. I will improve the documentation later on. If you think anything is missing or not working as described below, please open an issue or send a pull request...thanks!

First off, you will need nuget. Here is an example on how you can download it. Do this in a step prior to running the gulp-nuget plugin. If you already have it on the machine you could just skip this step.

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    request = require('request'),
    fs = require('fs');
gulp.task('nuget-download', function(done) {
    if(fs.existsSync('nuget.exe')) {

        .on('close', done);

How to use gulp-nuget pack:

Select the files you want to pack and pipe them do nuget pack. Pipe the nuget.pack stream out to where you want to save the nuget package.

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    nuget = require('gulp-nuget');
gulp.task('nuget-pack', function() {
    var nugetPath = './path/to/nuget.exe';
    gulp.src(['./*.js', './package.json'])
        .pipe(nuget.pack({ nuspec: 'project.nuspec', nuget: nugetPath, version: '1.0.0' }))

How to use gulp-nuget push:

You could choose to just push a single nuget package like this:

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    nuget = require('gulp-nuget');
gulp.task('nuget-pack', function() {
    var nugetPath = './path/to/nuget.exe';
        .pipe(nuget.push({ feed: 'http://your-nuget-feed.org/', nuget: nugetPath, apiKey: 'secret-key-goes-here' }));

Or you could push multiple packages like this:

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    nuget = require('gulp-nuget');
gulp.task('nuget-pack', function() {
    var nugetPath = './path/to/nuget.exe';
    gulp.src(['project.1.0.0.nupkg', 'project.1.1.0.nupkg'])
        .pipe(nuget.push({ feed: 'http://your-nuget-feed.org/', nuget: nugetPath, apiKey: 'secret-key-goes-here' }));

How to use gulp-nuget pack then push:

If you don't want to save your nuget package you could push it directly by piping the output from pack to push. The name of the nuget package will be the name that's provided by nuget.exe. It would be project.1.0.0.nupkg in the example below.

var gulp = require('gulp'),
    nuget = require('gulp-nuget');
gulp.task('nuget-pack-n-push', function() {
    var nugetPath = './path/to/nuget.exe';

    gulp.src(['./*.js', './package.json'])
        .pipe(nuget.pack({ nuspec: 'project.nuspec', nuget: nugetPath, version: '1.0.0' }))
        .pipe(nuget.push({ feed: 'http://your-nuget-feed.org/', nuget: nugetPath, apiKey: 'secret-key-goes-here' }));

Possible ways to configure nuget with this plugin.

gulp-nuget pack

var options = {
    nuspec: 'project.nuspec', // path to nuspec file (required)
    nuget: 'nuget.exe', // path to nuget.exe (required)
    version: '1.0.0', // if you want to set the version by command line (not required).
    workingDirectory: './temp' // temp folder used fore files to be packed. (not required - default: ./publish)

gulp-nuget push

var options = {
    nuget: 'nuget.exe', // path to nuget.exe (required)
    feed: 'http://mynugetfeed.org/', //url to the feed where you want to publish your nuget package (required)
    apiKey: 'api-key' // api key to your nuget feed. See nuget.org for other ways to set this key (not required).