- 0
react instance unmount in microApp immediately, causing toast not to be seen
#147 opened by xdbobname - 2
component 属性设置为 "" 时,元素消失动画失效
#42 opened by hellohejinyu - 1
findDOMNode is deprecated in StrictMode. findDOMNode was passed an instance of AnimateChild
#107 opened by omairnabiel - 1
Migrate docs to dumi
#146 opened by MadCcc - 0
#137 opened by divyalalwani - 1
- 0
- 1
#106 opened by omairnabiel - 0
index.d.ts is not in the published package.
#109 opened by BenoitHiller - 1
问题:为什么transform 动画没有效果
#104 opened by ChenWeihua123 - 9
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'children' of undefined at getChildrenFromProps
#29 opened by Chun-Yang - 1
package.json "licenses" should be "license"
#97 opened by vanceingalls - 3
componentWillReceiveProps will be deprecated
#44 opened by dsempel - 1
Typescript error
#79 opened by VladimirHumeniuk - 5
- 1
CSSMotion 获取不到
#58 opened by paradox010 - 3
upgrade core-js
#53 opened by afc163 - 0
Installing dependencies on fresh clone => `ReferenceError: primordials is not defined`
#69 opened by 5minpause - 2
Cannot find module 'css-animation'
#61 opened by meodemsao - 0
"licenses" field is misused in package.json
#63 opened by andrey-skl - 1
JS Animation
#17 opened by FredHasselot - 0
#48 opened by HughHzWu - 3
- 0
CSSMotion 移到 2.x 里发布
#43 opened by zombieJ - 5
[Discuss] Add CSSTransition component
#40 opened by zombieJ - 0
Animate update will cause `className` reset
#38 opened by zombieJ - 2
security risk
#37 opened by paranoidjk - 1
Optimization for React 16
#34 opened by yesmeck - 4
Why not return the children directly
#33 opened by likun7981 - 2
- 2
css-animation 1.4.0 breaks transpiling
#30 opened by wallaroo - 2
设置 component 属性的问题
#24 opened by likun7981 - 1
Animate: isMounted is deprecated
#23 opened by deju - 4
Please bump version in npm repo
#21 opened by sujameslin - 0
- 1
- 1
Incompatibility with css-modules
#14 opened by alexbardas - 1
#13 opened by lylonggege - 2
无法支持 css-modules
#8 opened by chemzqm - 3
Error on null/undefined children
#7 opened by gpoole - 2
- 1
Consider filter null children
#9 opened by chemzqm - 2
React 0.14 Compability
#3 opened by natorojr - 7
exclusive not making it exclusive
#2 opened by juliocesar