- 1
about useMergedState(null,{...})
#227 opened by Lchasers - 2
- 1
Checkbox Event Type Error
#205 opened by GeekEast - 4
Prop "title" is ignored
#104 opened by kilya11 - 0
Migrate docs to dumi
#219 opened by MadCcc - 2
Change the color?
#206 opened by KolbySisk - 1
BUG:Key events on checkbox
#203 opened by BraisedChicken - 0
better css solution
#35 opened by paranoidjk - 0
- 0
- 0
Component doesn't work with React ref
#183 opened by mabsystems - 3
Invalid prop `checked` supplied to `Checkbox`
#49 opened by VimLeSai - 0
componentWillReceiveProps is deprecated and will be removed in the next major version
#80 opened by swillis12 - 0
Support 'required' attribute, as it currently can't be passed onto the input
#154 opened by davidfurlong - 1
d.ts 更新能发版本不?
#121 opened by ahauzq - 0
Unusable typescript typing
#108 opened by ilnicki - 0
print doesn't show checked values
#68 opened by mcyleung - 0
expose `currentTarget` in `handleChange`
#47 opened by goldylucks - 2
Error with React 16.3.2
#46 opened by Kassares - 1
Wrong proptype for tabIndex
#44 opened by abramobagnara - 0
- 2
Can you elaborate what line 65 does?
#38 opened by t0lkman - 3
Checkbox strips both synthetic & native event object off of all of their useful properties in `handleChange`
#30 opened by ddm-flipkart - 3
onChange 传参 Event 而不直接是 checked 的原因?
#37 opened by nimoc - 1
Select all
#36 opened by gabrielHosino - 1
考虑接收其他 props
#27 opened by warmhug - 6
Does not work with browser-sync
#21 opened by kibao - 4
Does not work with browser-sync
#13 opened by queimadus - 1
#26 opened by warmhug - 1
- 0
Be focusable and styled
#11 opened by afc163 - 1
no lib directory after npm install
#8 opened by atZhengda - 1
- 2
examples not working
#5 opened by mrraven457 - 1
- 3
#6 opened by carlos121493 - 4
support Indeterminate status
#3 opened by afc163 - 0
去除 label 功能
#1 opened by yiminghe