- 1
Parser returning ts-error
#552 opened by dextersiah - 2
- 0
proxyObject will cause "maximum depth exceeded error" when it's working with libs like @radix-ui/react-tooltip due to operations like forwardRef & composeRef.
#664 opened by dontbmh - 0
- 1
#508 opened by larryliu95 - 3
Prevent non-numeric input
#614 opened by viveleroi - 10
Allow passing className for the input element
#594 opened by viveleroi - 0
- 0
How do I set a data-test-id | data-* property?
#599 opened by yancoltro - 1
Regression with v7: precision and formatter collide
#320 opened by Mathieuu - 1
onBlur 里做校验时,无法拿到 format 后的 value 值
#548 opened by promise96319 - 3
No option to attatch custom className on the input
#261 opened by sharvit - 5
- 1
- 1
Module not found - 7.4.1
#544 opened by Zharkan - 1
- 7
InputNumber precision为0时,onChange输出错误的值
#539 opened by Sunny-117 - 1
- 0
[Bug]在 Safari 浏览器且是中文输入法状态下输入数字,在输入过程中会进行 format
#506 opened by Hoo1nKyoma - 0
- 0
Update tsconfig to enable strict null checks
#484 opened by fnimick - 8
Cannot build production version with using Ant Design
#471 opened by Seasle - 0
Type of `ValueType` is incorrect - is `string | number | null`, should be `string | number`
#481 opened by fnimick - 0
Allowing more control on InputNumber
#445 opened by aghArdeshir - 0
Something warning of cursor restore: Failed to execute 'setSelectionRange' on 'HTMLInputElement': The input element's type ('number') does not support selection
#436 opened by aghArdeshir - 0
input-number 点击右侧增加聚焦失当
#398 opened by ytianzaishui - 0
InputNumber is removing leading 0s and throwing required validation error if zero is entered.
#395 opened by BharathKS77 - 5
- 0
#371 opened by chunmu - 0
remove my decimal separator without callback
#343 opened by lujiajian666 - 4
#317 opened by taoxhsmile - 0
【询问】onBlur() 怎么获取最新的 value?
#325 opened by sanheng - 2
onChange 不会在值清空时触发
#319 opened by geekrainy - 6
#305 opened by mankeheaven - 0
增加 maxLength 属性,输入最大长度后不能继续输入
#311 opened by hengkx - 9
ANTD can no longer resolve module
#310 opened by atomic-tang - 1
- 1
- 1
- 0
onChange not fired for null|empty value
#298 opened by tboulis - 7
win10 chrome 输入 123 自动变成 11233
#276 opened by six-px - 0
#283 opened by i3web - 0
getPrecision incorrectly calculates precision of decimal with scientific notation
#271 opened by ElliotAshby - 0
#268 opened by pyuyu - 0
Handlers for click on up/down buttons
#267 opened by alexsandr1992 - 1
InputNumber set precision bug
#257 opened by 93336406 - 0
#252 opened by decimoseptimo - 3
#250 opened by happyjosh - 1
bug occurs when inputting a larger number
#247 opened by toodiff - 3
yarn start 报错
#249 opened by hengkx