An asynchronous, persistent, key-value storage system for React Native.
- 1
gradle build failed
#1151 opened by saiprasad46 - 11
- 11
- 2
Could not determine the dependencies of task react-native-async-storage_async-storage:extractDebugAnnotations
#1170 opened by yyyyyyyysssss - 8
- 6
Execution failed for task ':react-native-async-storage_async-storage:compileDebugJavaWithJavac' continued
#1099 opened by almercier - 15
- 6
Task :@react-native-async-storage_async-storage:extractDebugAnnotations FAILED
#1142 opened by NiceLeader - 11
Error: Failed to write manifest。
#1152 opened by chen834921478 - 15
- 3
React native Asyncstorage issues
#1169 opened by keshav00001 - 14
- 2
Android Studio build fails
#1149 opened by saeid-elio - 1 error: constructor ReactModuleInfo in class ReactModuleInfo cannot be applied to given types; new ReactModuleInfo( ^ required: String,String,boolean,boolean,boolean,boolean found: String,String,boolean,boolean,boolean,boolean,boolean reason: actual and formal argument lists differ in length 1
#1167 opened by jcr0ss - 0
- 6
Add support for iOS App Groups
#1086 opened by bpeltonc - 19
not working react native web
#1096 opened by adsalihac - 2
No such table: catalystLocalStorage
#1136 opened by jordanpc93 - 3
Android - Expo 52 build failed (AndroidManifest)
#1161 opened by WhidRubeld - 1
setItem is not a function
#1160 opened by coderBeat - 2
Error "ReferenceError: window is not defined" with React Native Web version.
#1150 opened by lucaskraus - 1
Application is closing when trying to access AsyncStorage
#1159 opened by osheral - 9
RN 0.75.4 new arch
#1156 opened by Mohamed-Ziyad - 10
- 0
- 5
Unexpected AsyncStorage error: Row too big to fit into CursorWindow requiredPos=0, totalRows=1
#1110 opened by bianca-cntl - 1
react-native-async-storage_async-storage:generateCodegenSchemaFromJavaScript on android
#1154 opened by nazacity - 1
Build failes after upgrading to RN 0.76
#1153 opened by linusrush - 1
- 3
ERROR Warning: Error: [@RNC/AsyncStorage]: NativeModule: AsyncStorage is null.
#1148 opened by Jaseyacey - 0
An example output in API Docs seems misleading
#1137 opened by mighty-odewumi - 3
- 1
The new package code is incomplete
#1141 opened by usedlife - 4
Android part of library contains StorageSupplier class in main source set which dependent on room
#1133 opened by ardmn - 1
#1097 opened by 7chenys - 12
- 0
- 0
- 3
Next storage implementation: Build issues with RN 0.74
#1091 opened by QOAL - 3
Multiple commands produce PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy
#1085 opened by Mihai-github - 1
iOS widget
#1112 opened by tushe-tv - 2
Jest Mocks Always Returning Undefined
#1078 opened by bj97301 - 0
multiSet should expect a readonly input
#1101 opened by geoffreytools - 1
External data was used in the SQL queries.
#1080 opened by karthikTVS - 1
A mistake in the documentation
#1079 opened by fluxsiarski - 5
Execution failed for task ':react-native-async-storage_async-storage:compileDebugJavaWithJavac'.
#1081 opened by mayurmudoi - 2
- 2
Error: cannot read property 'persist' of null
#1083 opened by stephanepericat - 3
- 1
React native dependency error with async storage
#1069 opened by aydincankalyoncu