
Use react-native-test-app for example

Naturalclar opened this issue ยท 7 comments

Describe the Feature

use microsoft/react-native-test-app for example app

Possible Implementations

example implementation can be found in

Related Issues

Hi I would like to work on this can you assign this to me. Thank you

Hi sir, can you please explain the issue. Thank you


I'd like to simplify the example project in this repository by using microsoft/react-native-test-app

I'm thinking the steps will be something like this:

  1. Copy the content of example/App.js somewhere
  2. delete the example directory
  3. add react-native-test-app in the devDependency of this project yarn add -d react-native-test-app
  4. initialize the test app by running yarn init-test-app and create a new example project
  5. replace the content in App.js generated with content copied in step 1
  6. follow the platform specific instructions in the react-antive-test-app doc
  7. run yarn in example folder and test that iOS/Android is working fine (check windows and macos too if possible)

OK ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

There is no file named App.js in the example directory

@GeorgeET15 sorry about that, the original file in example directory is App.tsx