
react-native-test-app provides an app for all supported platforms as a package

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React Native Test App

Contributions Welcome Open in Visual Studio Code build npm version

React Native Test App (RNTA) provides test apps for all platforms as a package. It handles the native bits for you so you can focus on what's important: your product.

Quick Start ⚑

If you want to migrate an existing test app for a library, follow the dedicated guide in the wiki.

You can generate a new project using npx:

npx --package react-native-test-app@<version> init
# For example: npx --package react-native-test-app@4.2.3 init

You can always find the latest version here: https://github.com/microsoft/react-native-test-app/releases

Alternatively, if you're using a Bash-compatible shell:

npx --package react-native-test-app@$(npm view react-native-test-app version) init


We don't recommend using @latest because npm may not always use the latest version. See npm/cli#5262 for more details.

In this example, we will create a project named "sample" in sample with apps for all platforms:

βœ” What is the name of your test app? … sample
? Which platforms do you need test apps for? β€Ί
    ↑/↓: Highlight option
    ←/β†’/[space]: Toggle selection
    a: Toggle all
    enter/return: Complete answer
β—‰   Android
β—‰   iOS
β—‰   macOS
β—―   visionOS
β—‰   Windows
βœ” Where should we create the new project? … sample

Install npm dependencies inside the new project folder:


cd sample


cd sample
npm install

Once the dependencies are installed, follow the platform specific instructions in the wiki.

Learn More πŸ”

Libraries Using RNTA πŸ“š

microsoft/fluentui-react-native β€’ microsoft/rnx-kit β€’ BabylonReactNative β€’ callstack/repack β€’ lottie-react-native β€’ react-native-add-calendar-event β€’ react-native-apple-authentication β€’ react-native-async-storage β€’ react-native-blur β€’ react-native-clipboard β€’ react-native-datetimepicker β€’ react-native-google-signin β€’ react-native-image-editor β€’ react-native-keychain β€’ react-native-masked-view β€’ react-native-menu β€’ react-native-netinfo β€’ react-native-pager-view β€’ react-native-safe-area-context β€’ react-native-segmented-control β€’ react-native-video β€’ react-native-webview β€’ realm-js β€’ shopify/restyle β€’ sparkfabrik-react-native-idfa-aaid β€’ and many more…

Are you using RNTA? Submit a PR to add it to the list!

Known Issues ⚠️

For a list of known issues and workarounds, please refer to the Troubleshooting wiki.

Contributing 🀝

Thank you for your interest in this project! We welcome all contributions and suggestions!

Take a look at CONTRIBUTING.md for details.

License πŸ“

react-native-test-app is MIT licensed.