ProgressView Component for react-native iOS/macOS/Windows
- 3
Error building in react-native 0.76 Xcode: YogaStylableProps.h:10:10 'yoga/style/Style.h' file not found
#152 opened by muja555 - 4
iOS build failure
#154 opened by sadikyalcin - 0
#151 opened by Alloneway30 - 0
Can't set the height of the progress bar
#149 opened by dcesca - 4
RN 0.72.3 + fabric enabled => RNCProgressViewComponentDescriptors.h file not found ?
#131 opened by zabojad - 0
#114 opened by patlux - 2
React Native 0.71 support
#109 opened by alpha0010 - 2
- 0
Add CI for macOS
#100 opened by Naturalclar - 0
Fix Windows CI
#66 opened by Naturalclar - 2
Is this package still running actively?
#92 opened by Yandamuri - 2
Version Sdk 21
#60 opened by nielson266 - 5
"RNCProgressView" was not found
#51 opened by Don-oneself - 0
- 0
Example app is outdated/broken for Windows
#77 opened by TatianaKapos - 0
- 1
Xcode 12 compatibility
#61 opened by Pranit-Harekar - 0
Build with windows
#50 opened by SimonIT - 0
tvOS support?
#53 opened by sanderlooijenga - 3
- 3
Incorrect runtime dependency on babel@6
#45 opened by vovkasm - 2
- 1
npm package not published
#11 opened by Naturalclar - 1
Setup CircleCI
#6 opened by Naturalclar