
⚠️Experimental playground of the new PWA theme for Magento 2 based on the Peregrine component library and Buildpack tools

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Venia PWA Concept



  1. Clone the Magento 2 Vagrant setup locally.
  2. Copy etc/config.yaml.dist as etc/config.yaml and update it to use Magento v2.3-develop and PHP7.1 by changing:
    ce: "git@github.com:magento/magento2.git" to ce: "git@github.com:magento/magento2.git::2.3-develop".
    And by changing php_version: "7.0" to php_version: "7.1"
  3. Open the Vagrantfile, and find config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true. Then, before that line, add config.vm.synced_folder '/Users/me/venia-pwa-concept', '/Users/me/venia-pwa-concept', type: "nfs", create: true, where the specified path is the absolute path locally to your copy of this repository
  4. Go through the normal setup process for the Vagrant box (./init-project).
  5. On your host, cd to magento2-vagrant-for-developers/magento2ce/app/code/Magento, and run ln -s /Users/me/venia-pwa-concept/module Pwa
  6. On your host, cd to magento2-vagrant-for-developers/magento2ce/app/design/frontend/Magento, and run ln -s /Users/me/venia-pwa-concept/theme-frontend-venia venia
  7. Copy .env.dist to .env and update as necessary, i.e. with the correct host URL.
  8. Run npm install. Note if you run inside the vagrant box you may need to install and switch to a newer version of node.
  9. If making changes, run npm start to start the development server.
  10. Login to /admin, and change your store's theme to venia