Excellence Jobs

How to setup this project on system ?

Configuration of Project !

  • Firebase Push Notification used manish@excellencetechnologies.in.
    • Used Libary react-native-fcm (^7.3.0).
    • Configure project for android.
    • OpenURl Create a new project Excellence Jobs with (com.excellence.jobs) .
    • Download the google-services.json replaced with old one in the project.
    • update the SHA certificate fingerprints.
    • Configure project for IOS.
    • OpenURl Create a new project Excellence Jobs with (com.excellence.jobs).
    • Download the GoogleServices-Info.plist replaced with old one in the project.
    • Upload production and development certificates can download from apple developer account.
    • Now For push notification need to change the Legacy server key on BACKEND.
    • Open this Link and copy Legacy server key from there .
  • Universal Link Configuration from arun@excellencetechnologies.in.
    • Configure on this (For Android Only).
    • Copy the Branch Key from here have to change in android core files.
  • Crashlytics Configuration from arun.etech2011@gmail.com.
    • Login in here (For Android & IOS) .
    • Open this.
    • Copy the API key from Add Your API Key for both (IOS & Android) need to change in the android and IOS files.
  • Configuration for Map Key used in react-native-map from arun.etech2011@gmail.com.
    • Open this link click on GET A KEY select your project , copy that key and replaced with old one.