
Scripts supporting our Continuous Integration (CI)

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Reaction Commerce CI Scripts

Scripts we use across many repositories during continuous integration.

How to use in circleci

In your .circleci/config.yml, in your appropriate job step, add a run command:

    <<: *defaults
      - checkout
      - setup_remote_docker:
          docker_layer_caching: true
      - run:
          name: Run Lint Suite
          # pin the current latest version explicitly, 1.8.4 for example only
          command: npx --quiet --package @reactioncommerce/ci-scripts@1.8.4 lint-shell-scripts

Note: Most docker-* scripts as well as lint-dockerfiles require the setup_remote_docker circleci job step as a prerequisite. Be sure your config.yml has that when it's needed.

If you run a bunch of these and want to DRY it up, try this flavor with an environment variable:

# The following stanza defines a map named defaults with a variable that may be
# inserted using the YAML merge (<<: *) key later in the file to save some
# typing. See http://yaml.org/type/merge.html for details.
defaults: &defaults
    - image: circleci/node:12-stretch
    CI_SCRIPTS: 'npx --quiet --package @reactioncommerce/ci-scripts@1.8.4'
    <<: *defaults
      - checkout
      - setup_remote_docker:
          docker_layer_caching: true
      - run:
          name: 'docker: catalog-publisher'
          command: |
            ${CI_SCRIPTS} docker-labels >> Dockerfile
            ${CI_SCRIPTS} build-metadata
            ${CI_SCRIPTS} docker-build-tag-push . reactioncommerce/catalog-publisher

How to add new scripts

  • Put your script file in the repo root. Use a filename extension. It makes editor syntax highlighting and linting "just work" sometimes.
  • chmod 755 your-script.sh
  • Add an entry to the package.json "bin" property mapping "name-without-extension": "./name-with-extension.sh",
  • Commit, being sure to prefix your commit message with feat: so semantic release publishes a new minor version properly
  • Notes on filename extensions vs no extensions
    • In the package.json bin keys, we omit the extension. This is slightly nicer as a command line interface. It's just a logical script name.
    • When launching via npx on the command line during CI, it's no extension
    • In the repo root dir, we do use the extension since this is nicer for editor syntax detection, development tools, etc.
    • So in package.json bin it's no extension for the key but yes extension for the value
    • When calling one ci-script from another ci-script it's no extension because these run from the node_modules/.bin directory which only contains no-extension files which npm picks up from package.json bin key.

How to troubleshoot script errors

  • Launch the docker image your CI job uses locally
    • For example
      • docker run --rm -it circleci/node:12 bash
  • Install ci-scripts in /tmp so you can debug
  • cd /tmp && npm install @reactioncommerce/ci-scripts
  • Run with debugging
  • bash -x ./node_modules/@reactioncommerce/ci-scripts/script-you-want-to-debug.sh

Implementation Notes

  • Scripts should operate on their current working directory (inherited from the parent process)
    • Meaning the calling code should cd into the root of their project git repository (which happens by default on circleci) then invoke the scripts from this repo
  • Scripts should enumerate files with git ls-files
  • Shell scripts should be formatted with shfmt
  • If you need to call another ci-script from your own ci-script, use this pattern
    1. Make a variable for the directory the script lives in, which is node_modules/.bin when running via npx
    • ci_scripts_dir="$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")"
    1. Reference sibling scripts with no extension
    • ./some-other-script