Artifact for the Lola to Rust Compilation

The repository contains an artifact for the Verified Rust Monitors for Lola Specifications paper to appear at RV'20.


There are artifacts for two specifications: a simple altimeter sensor validation and a network monitoring specification.

  • The altimeter directory contains randomly generated input data altitude_data.txt, a functional Rust project, the verifiable provable/ file, and the specification altimeter.lola.
  • The network directory contains randomly generated input data network_data.txt, a functional Rust project, the verifiable provable/ file, and the specification network.lola.
  • The network-parallel directory contains randomly generated input data network_data.txt, a functional Rust project similar to the network directory, the monitor file for this example uses threads to compute multiple streams in a single evaluation layer at the same time.

The difference between the executable and provable files is that the Viper code annotations are removed and the I/O functions were adapted accordingly. You can compile an run the monitors by switching into the respective folder an run cargo run --release. Note that you need to install Rust first, check it out here.