When postcss modules are present, in some scenarios react-docgen tries to parse css files
larowlan opened this issue · 2 comments
In certain scenarios react-docgen tries to parse CSS modules.
This yields an error as follows:
Use case
See related Storybook issue storybookjs/storybook#25662 and stackblitz reproduction https://stackblitz.com/edit/github-cwovgn-yvzreq
Have a component like so
import React from "react"
import styles, { stylesheet } from "./Container.module.css"
const Container = ({ children }) => (
export default Container;
export stylesheet;
And where the css file contains an @import
@import url("../../css/variables.css");
The babel config passed to react-docgen
doesn't take into account the .babelrc file and attempts to parse the .css file as JavaScript.
This causes an error like so
[vite] Internal server error: /path/to/Container.module.css: Support for the experimental syntax 'decorators' isn't currently enabled (1:1):
Is there anyway to configure react-docgen to ignore .css files in this case?
If you're wondering why are we importing and exporting the processed stylesheet, we're building a critical css component that inlines CSS needed for the first paint. We're doing this by using rollup-post-css-modules to import postcss modules but also export the built stylesheet so it can be collated in a reliable fashion (ie the class names don't change from what is rendered in the component).
Removed the 'bug' prefix, because this might be a configuration issue in Storybook