A CLI and library to extract information from React component files for documentation generation purposes.
Pinned issues
- 4
Crash with Flow component syntax
#944 opened by neutraali - 3
- 2
Missing support for `Pick<>` and `Omit<>`
#925 opened by rvetere - 2
Support for compound components
#775 opened by mayank99 - 2
Fow indexed access types results in `unknow`
#837 opened by pascalduez - 0
No support for forwardRef calls typed with generics
#927 opened by rvetere - 1
Getting `TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'end')` on a function parameter
#827 opened by matyasf - 1
- 2
Flow typed component not renderning
#547 opened by Sonukr - 0
Docblock of functions assignments not detected
#777 opened by danez - 0
Documentation missing for most features
#933 opened by mryechkin - 2
Better TS enum support
#877 opened by shilman - 1
@defaultValue is not parsed from interface
#901 opened by supersnager - 3
- 0
- 0
Monorepo support is missing
#930 opened by rvetere - 0
- 0
No support for components that directly return `null`
#926 opened by rvetere - 0
Is this repository still maintained?
#922 opened by rvetere - 0
Class components with private members breaks docgen
#921 opened by wongbryan - 3
Can be generated from a difinition file?
#814 opened by xiaosen7 - 1
Failed to parse
#910 opened by pc00001 - 1
- 3
- 0
- 0
- 0
Using `Readonly<T>` utility type results in losing pieces of `T`'s information
#905 opened by federico-ntr - 0
Decorators must be placed *after* the 'export' keyword. Remove the 'decoratorsBeforeExport: false' option to use the '@decorator export class {}' syntax.
#904 opened by evgeniy-arapov - 1
Unexpected token error on typescript components
#760 opened by williamlmao - 1
[Feature Request] Support document tags
#551 opened by guoyunhe - 2
When postcss modules are present, in some scenarios react-docgen tries to parse css files
#892 opened by larowlan - 0
- 0
- 4
propTypes cycles cause crashes
#640 opened by ZxBing0066 - 1
Fails when a namespaced export is used
#889 opened by davbrito - 4
Property accessors as template literals causes errors with react-docgen v7
#876 opened by eatyourgreens - 2
Internal server error: Argument must be Identifier, Literal, QualifiedTypeIdentifier or TSQualifiedName. Received 'TemplateLiteral'
#885 opened by yayapao - 4
Are there any TypeScript typings for this library?
#568 opened by matyasf - 1
With forwardRef Union types get lost
#883 opened by bmsuseluda - 1
TS forwardRef support
#878 opened by shilman - 0
With Typescript Omit Union types get lost
#882 opened by bmsuseluda - 1
Some pages cannot be opened
#825 opened by 97vack - 2
react-docgen v6.0.0 & older changelogs
#874 opened by apurv-1 - 1
Expose more TypeScript types
#864 opened by matyasf - 0
useCallback + useImperativeHandle methods
#856 opened by mfazekas - 3
- 3
Nested type descriptions
#683 opened by neutraali - 0
Typescript generic class component props not parsed
#550 opened by oygen87 - 1
How to generate correct prop types when the prop-types package is not explicitly imported?
#595 opened by binomialstew - 0