An easy way to perform animations when a React component enters or leaves the DOM
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Classes dont get added to child with ref.
#910 opened by LMS007 - 3
Warning: Received `true` for a non-boolean attribute `in`. If you want to write it to the DOM, pass a string instead: in="true" or in={value.toString()}.
#858 opened by irehmanullah - 1
Undefined is passed into node arg of Transition callbacks contrary to type definition
#908 opened by sydneyjodon-wk - 2
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Consider removing prop-types dependency
#906 opened by vorant94 - 2
Avoid the deprecated usage of `defaultProps`
#898 opened by LukasTy - 4
findDOMNode is deprecated in StrictMode. findDOMNode was passed an instance of Transition which is inside StrictMode. Instead, add a ref directly to the element you want to reference.
#904 opened by youjia727 - 2
CSSTransition enter first tick
#850 opened by organdonor47 - 0
the effect is not as expected.
#905 opened by liuhongjian0316 - 7
'ReactCSSTransition' cannot be used as a JSX component. Its instance type 'CSSTransition<HTMLElement | undefined>' is not a valid JSX element.
#855 opened by Khoby-790 - 0
React-transition-group has no effect running animations in Next.js 14.2.3 App Router
#903 opened by youjia727 - 0
Freeze React node while transitioning in Next.js
#902 opened by ckull - 0
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As a visual library, it would be nice to see what this does before reading through the API
#891 opened by rmdashrfv - 0
Storybook Fails to Run After Cloning Repo
#897 opened by gabrielliwerant - 5
Warning: findDOMNode is deprecated in StrictMode.
#893 opened by shanhai3000 - 0
react-transform-group render route component twice
#896 opened by zhangyahan - 0
SwitchTransition to Support "default" mode (similar to vue Transition modes)
#894 opened by Nativ-Sibony - 0
Perf: Use getComputedStyle( node ).opacity instead of node.scrollTop to force repaint
#892 opened by rejhgadellaa - 6
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CSSTransition appearDone being unset causes "undefined" class when in+appear are true first and enterDone is set
#890 opened by stevensacks - 0
Unexpected behavior while working with useState
#888 opened by arkni8 - 1
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No transaction/animation in the end with turned on unmountOnExit prop
#883 opened by Andrew-Kovalenko - 0
onEnter event not firing
#880 opened by netgfx - 0
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All nodes will be rendered when react key exists in the children of the TransitionGroup
#863 opened by Helium-Z - 0
animation not worked when a Component rendered by ReactDOM.render(<Component />)
#862 opened by LeeRayno - 0
Css transition classNames get removed by react updates, if child has 'className' props
#854 opened by icy0307 - 0
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React Transition Group/ with React Router example to be updated with React Router v.6
#835 opened by PoliGanina - 7
Can't Resolve React-Transition-Group
#848 opened by JuliusGoddard - 0
How is the rearrangement implemented?
#849 opened by PachVerb - 8
Element appears with blinked when using CSSTransition with `unmountOnExit`
#846 opened by Mookiepiece - 12
V4.4.3 does not work
#844 opened by hassanzadeh - 1
rootRef.current.contains error on a TrapFocus component when using Transition in project with react 18 and MUI v5?
#843 opened by sshakyaUR - 2
Error when running npm install
#834 opened by mkelley33 - 0
Docs: Mention for `in` prop that it has no effect if used with `TransitionGroup`
#840 opened by andre-brdoch - 0
classNames not recognized by react
#837 opened by MuizU