
A app to easily see your Compass Callendar on the desktop

Primary LanguagePython

CompassCal, An app to easily see your Compass Callendar on the desktop

UPDATE This is an in progress repository, I am trying to find a new way to get the callender from compass.

Havn't you gotten tierd of opening your browser, navagating to Compass and loging in just to see what you have next session? Well i sought to fix this problen and came up with a nice and minamilistic python application that shows your daliy timetable.

What it looks like. Woo Hoo, No School!

All you have to do is download the provided CompassCal.py file to a folder in your documents folder. Make sure to have the latest version of Python Installed and the packages needed. Upon opening it for the first time, paste your Compass Sync My Schedule link into the textbox ( Ctrl + v ) and press submit. Be aware that it will create a logins.txt file in the same folder that CompassCal.py was placed in.

Private Compass Sync My Schedule input

It will then take you to the main program where it shows you timetable in a small window.

You can use this application but is by no means finnished and has numerous bugs and flaws, i would gratly appreaciate any help. Also i would appreciate anyone who knows how to turn the CompassCall.py into a exe file!

Please leave any suggestions on making it more user friendly/usable/athetic in the github issues page for this project aswll as any gliches in the program.