
Modular informer for i3bar

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Modular informer for i3bar

This informer can show you any useful messages via plugins. The plugins can be written in any programming language: you just need to write to stdout a json-formatted string.


{"name":"weather","full_text":"Moscow: ☽ 17","color":"#FFCC00","separator":false},

There are four items: a plugin name, a plugin text, a plugin color and a separator remover(we will use our own separator). Also, after the object you need to write a trailing comma.


Just clone the repo to ~/.infobar, then add these lines into ~/.i3/config:

bar {
	position top
	status_command ~/.infobar/infobar

Infobar takes each plugin name from ~/.infobar/plugins/.order. If you want to add your own plugin, you just need to put your plugin executable into ~/.infobar/plugins and add a line with plugin name into ~/.infobar/plugins/.order. Infobar executes its plugins in a sequental order.