
Reactway's ESLint guidelines for TypeScript projects.

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Reactway's ESLint guidelines for TypeScript projects. Based on @typescript-eslint/recommended and prettier/@typescript-eslint.

Get started

npm install @reactway/eslint-config -D

How to use?

Create config file in project root folder .eslintrc.json.

Node projects

    "extends": ["@reactway"]

React projects

    "extends": ["@reactway/eslint-config/react"]


1. 'React' is defined but never used.

If you're getting errors like:

C:\project-path\file-name.tsx(1,8): warning @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars : 'React' is defined but never used.

Most probably you're configuring a React project and extended a non-React eslint config.


Released under the MIT license.