
Vagrant VM setup for kitsune

Primary LanguageRuby


Follow these steps to run a kitsune development environment inside a virtual machine.


Clone the repository:

$ gem install vagrant
$ git clone git://github.com/readevalprint/kitsune-vagrant.git
$ cd kitsune-vagrant

Then up the vagrant box:

$ vagrant up

This will take about 15-20 minutes to run on a "modern" machine (author has 2.66Ghz Macbook Pro w/4GB RAM). When it finishes, you will be able to connect to the vagrant box:

$ vagrant ssh

From within the vagrant shell:

$ cd kitsune
$ python ./manage.py runserver

Then in your browser open:


When you are finished working, in the host type:

$ vagrant halt


Vagrant is taking too long

Sometimes vagrant up will say:

[default] Waiting for VM to boot. This can take a few minutes.

then take much longer. If it takes longer than a few minutes, CTRL-C and re-run vagrant up.

Vagrant says read-only fs

Sometimes vagrant up will quit with the message:

[default] err: Could not send report: Got 1 failure(s) while initializing: change from absent to directory failed: Could not set 'directory on ensure: Read-only file system - /var/lib/puppet/rrd

vagrant destroy and vagrant up again should fix the problem (whatever it is).

Vagrant won't gem install, with a vague datetime error

Use the most current version of rubygems, and not the one from your distibution. http://rubyforge.org/projects/rubygems/


[2]Requires vagrant and VirtualBox to be installed: http://vagrantup.com, http://www.virtualbox.org/.
[3]You only need to do this once. Afterward you can vagrant destroy and vagrant up as needed.