
A Python interface to common shipping APIs (UPS, USPS, FedEx)

Primary LanguagePython

Fork of benweatherman / python-ship

  • This fork aims at using non-SOAP xml interface to FedEx and UPS

Things that are working as of December 15, 2011

  • UPS address validation
  • UPS Rate Request
  • FedEx Rate Request
  • Handle FedEx soap:Fault error messages

Up next (in no particular order)

  • FedEx Pickup Request
  • UPS Label
  • FedEx Label
  • Test FedEx address validation and parse response

Other notes

  • Should not require suds unless I made a mistake.
  • Might just work as is in Python 2.7
  • Request and Response times seem faster. Probably tear down and creation of suds client. More likely my imagination.
  • XML interface generated with generateDS.py. (http://www.rexx.com/~dkuhlman/generateDS.html)

ups_config and fedex_config need to be a dictionaries

  fedex_config = {
     'meter_number': 'FedEx Meter Number', 
     'password': 'FedEx API password', 
     'account_number': 'FedEx Account Number', 
     'key': 'FedEx API Key'
  ups_config = {
     'username': 'UPS Online Username',
     'password': 'UPS Online Password', 
     'shipper_number': 'UPS Shipper Number',
     'access_license': 'UPS API License'

Test and Production Key information available at

You need a UPS and FedEx account to get the keys
I don't use endicia for postage so haven't looked into the setup for it