
Some tutorials / how-tos that I followed to setup a Raspberry Pi Minecraft server

Minecraft 1.15.2 installation on Raspberry Pi

This repo is just a dumping ground for articles, blogs, tutorials, that I've found useful when setting up my Raspberry Pi 3 to run a Java Edition Minecraft server.

You are more then welcome to create a fork of this or add a pull request.



Moving Mods from PC to Raspberry Pi

I found WinScp perfect for moving the .jar files from Windows to Raspberry Pi. Note: You may need to add sudo su - to the SCP / Shell settings within WinScp to allow for you to copy files to the RPi

Install Forge on Local Windows client to allow for Mods

Even if the mods are on the server, each client needs to have them installed too. How to install mods on Windows

Mods installed so far :