A small OS X application to serve as a launcher/testbed for the Readium SDK on the Mac.
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Fixed layout documents, HTML5 video/audio controls sometimes not interactive / responsive, and HTML text not selectable
#22 opened by danielweck - 0
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SVG Support in Spine fails in some cases
#39 opened by rkwright - 0
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Jenkins continuous integration builds server is down
#41 opened by kant - 6
Does not render any content
#43 opened by probonopd - 2
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EOF not detected correctly when responding to HTTP requests with larger/smaller resource size (due to Content Filter Chain)
#37 opened by danielweck - 2
Incorrect regular expression match+replace for HTML injection, when no line breaks
#34 opened by danielweck - 1
URLs with query and fragment break resource path
#36 opened by danielweck - 1
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Support for RSO at document load event
#29 opened by rkwright - 1
Support for MathML
#30 opened by rkwright - 1
Support for obfuscated fonts
#26 opened by rkwright - 1
Need to support versioning via EPUB
#28 opened by rkwright - 1
WebView with "application/xhtml+xml" content type fails to render HTML (i.e. malformed XML / XHTML)
#24 opened by danielweck - 2
Windows SDK IClosableStream (mis)behavior
#23 opened by rkwright - 6
Cocoa WebView rendering / interactivity issues (video/audio), setWantsLayer vs. CSS 3D trick
#21 opened by danielweck - 2
RTL page progression not supported (UI previous/next buttons disabled, wrong direction)
#13 opened by danielweck - 3
WebView-specific iframe_loader strategy
#10 opened by danielweck - 5
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About dialog (Credits.rtf)
#15 opened by danielweck - 3
Broken: SVG in HTML img@src, object, etc.
#11 opened by danielweck - 2
provide scrolling page navigation instead of current viewport constrained paging
#3 opened by gcapiel - 1
linear property of spine items not supported !
#12 opened by danielweck - 2
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settings for scroll view and synthetic spread not working (plus, options should be same as readium-js-viewer)
#7 opened by danielweck - 0
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