integrates vulnerability verification and task execution

Primary LanguagePython





pip3 install -r requirements.txt
pip3 install -e .


xing -h

usage: xing [-h] [--version] [--quit]
[--log {debug,info,success,warning,error}]
{list,scan,sniffer,exploit,brute} ...

positional arguments:
list show plugins
scan scan
sniffer protocol identification
exploit exploit
brute weak password blasting

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version, -V show program's version number and exit
--quit, -q Quiet mode (default: False)
--log {debug,info,success,warning,error}, -L {debug,info,success,warning,error
log level (default: info)

The -t parameter of the subcommand can be a file name or a single specified target, and -n filters PoC according to the file name


This project is a submodule in ARL



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