
Read the Docs documentation visual diff

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Read the Docs visual doc diff

Add visual diffs to your documentation pull request builds!


This is in beta development, you'll have to manually configure this. This implementation is also likely to change in the future.


Just add this to your documentation output, but only for pull request builds:

<script src="readthedocs-doc-diff.js" async></script>


On Read the Docs, configuration will be automatic, using some data that we include on every page. If for some reason you need to override this, custom configuration can be performed using <script> element:

<script type="application/json" id="doc-diff-config">
    "base_url": "/en/stable/index.html",



The base version to use when constructing a URL for the diff base.

Default: latest


Automatically inject basic stylesheets for the diff elements. See Styling below for information on how to style these yourself.

Default: true


The root element to compare on both documents. This is a Sphinx specific node by default.

Default: div.document[role='main']


There are several selectors that you can redefine with your own CSS. Make sure to disable the inject_styles option as well.

  • .doc-diff-added
  • .doc-diff-modified
  • .doc-diff-removed


To work on this repository, we'll require Node.js >= 14.0.0, as other repositories still use Node 14 as well. There is nothing requiring a specific version otherwise, however.

To perform development on this library:

npm run dev

And to build the final asset distributions:

npm run build

You'll need to build the assets for each pull request you open, and should have linted your code before pull request, using:

npm run format

Tests are run with:

npm test