
같이 완강해요! 💪

MIT LicenseMIT

Lecture Mate 💻

Table of Contents 📚

Introduce 🎉

Who we are

We are Ready Techie.

How to join this group?

If you want to complete any lectures with teammates, please join us!

You can ask for participating on the issue tab.

Commit Convention

We follow the gitmoji convention and customize it.

  1. If you write down REAMDE.md , use 📝 , like :memo: .

    git commit -m ":memo: Update the main README"
  2. If you share your study, use ✏️ , like :pencil2: .

    git commit -m ":pencil2: [ Math For Video Games ] 01. Introduction & Arithmetic"
  3. If you start a new study, use ✨ , like :sparkles: .

     git commit -m ":sparkles: Math For Video Games"

Lectures ✏️

Date 📆
  • 2022.05.22 - 2022.07.03
Participants 🙌

