
Example showing discrepency between e2e tests in Nest using factory vs. app instance

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Nest.js E2E Testing Examples

The official documentation (and the templated starter) for Nest.js shows an end-to-end test that uses the Test.createTestModule() helper to create an instance of INestApplication that is used for the subsequent tests.


It may simply be an issue of nomenclature -- when I see the phrase "end-to-end", this makes me think the intention is that of an integration test, where all components of the application are integrated and then exercised together in a testing context.

To be fair to Nest, the documentation states that this is not quite an integration test:

... closer to the kind of interaction that end-users will have with the production system ...

The key word here is closer -- these tests in Nest approximate the type of behavior a consumer app might see, but it's not the full story. As a basic example, adding a ValidationPipe to the global pipes that validates all incoming request bodies against their configured DTOs will not be triggered when using the Test.createTestModule() approach.

This difference is demonstrated in test/app.e2e-spec.ts:

  AppController (e2e)
    using testing module fixture
      POST / with an empty body
        ✓ returns a successful empty response (607ms)
    using bootstrapped app
      POST / with an empty body
        ✓ returns a 400 error (29ms)


It's not clear what value a "Nest-style" e2e test provides by not being a full integration test, so there are a couple options:

  1. Stop using Test.createTestModule() in all e2e tests entirely and instead use the actual app instance that is run in development and all other environments

  2. Abandon the use of e2e tests as a label and instead move to (potentially) more appropriately named "integration" tests (e.g. app.integration.spec.ts)