A twitter bot to provide tarot readings!
This python3 program uses tweepy and pycorpora to create tarot readings.
Run the command in the bash shell from the project directory:
docker build . -t tarot-reader-bot
Test your build from powershell with
docker run -it -e CONSUMER_KEY=$TarotConsumer -e CONSUMER_SECRET=$TarotConsumerSecret -e ACCESS_TOKEN=$TarotAccess -e ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=$TarotAccessSecret tarot-reader-bot
Note: Everything is in the bash shell for this part! This is also for digital ocean droplets, and twitter-bot-drop
is the name of my digital ocean droplet that I'm making and tarot-reader-bot
is the docker image name.
If you don't have anything registered as a docker-machine (which controls multiple instances of docker images) then you make one.
docker-machine create --driver digitalocean --digitalocean-access-token YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN-HERE twitter-bot-drop
Then this command sets your current shell environment to be your docker-machine shell environment
eval $(docker-machine env twitter-bot-drop)
Then in your new shell you build your docker image
docker build . -t tarot-reader-bot
And then deploy it! The only difference here is the -id instead of -it which just tells it you want it to be detached from your shell.
docker run -id -e CONSUMER_KEY=$TarotConsumer -e CONSUMER_SECRET=$TarotConsumerSecret -e ACCESS_TOKEN=$TarotAccess -e ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET=$TarotAccessSecret tarot-reader-bot
Et voila! Functioning docker image running on your droplet (which is called a docker-machine)