
Our website: https://realitu.netlify.app/

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Website of the REAL group

Hey everyone!

This repo contains the REAL group's website. It is built using Wowchemy's academic template. You can read the documentation for Wowchemy here. The website is hosted on netlify, and Thomas has access to it. Contact him if your changes are not being reflected!


How to add a new profile

Here is a template profile:

# Display name 
title: Your name here

- Your name here

# Is this the primary user of the site?
superuser: false

# Role/position/tagline
role: Postdoc
user_groups: ["Postdocs"]

# Organizations/Affiliations to show in About widget
- name: IT University of Copenhagen
  url: https://www.itu.dk/

# Short bio (displayed in user profile at end of posts)
bio: Working on self-driving vehicle safety.

# Interests to show in About widget
- Emergence
- Reinforcement Learning
- Safety

# Education to show in About widget
# education:
#   courses:
#   - course: PhD in Artificial Intelligence
#     institution: Stanford University
#     year: 2012
#   - course: MEng in Artificial Intelligence
#     institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
#     year: 2009
#   - course: BSc in Artificial Intelligence
#     institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
#     year: 2008

# Social/Academic Networking
# For available icons, see: https://sourcethemes.com/academic/docs/page-builder/#icons
#   For an email link, use "fas" icon pack, "envelope" icon, and a link in the
#   form "mailto:your-email@example.com" or "/#contact" for contact widget.
# MODIFY: add your mail, pure and Google Scholar if you want.
- icon: envelope
  icon_pack: fas
  link: mailto:YOUR-MAIL-HERE
- icon: external-link-alt
  icon_pack: fas
# - icon: graduation-cap  # Alternatively, use `google-scholar` icon from `ai` icon pack
#   icon_pack: fas
#   link: https://scholar.google.dk/citations?user=smoQomYAAAAJ&hl=da
# Enter email to display Gravatar (if Gravatar enabled in Config)
email: ""

# Highlight the author in author lists? (true/false)
highlight_name: false


In ./content/authors find someone who shares a similar role to you (be it professor, phd student or posdoc) and

  1. copy-paste their profile folder and change its name to yours.
  2. Change avatar.png to a photo of you, but keep the name avatar.png.
  3. Modify _index.md by adding your information.

All of the active roles can be found in ./home/people:

  # Choose which groups/teams of users to display.
  #   Edit `user_groups` in each user's profile to add them to one or more of these groups.
    - Professors
    - Postdocs
    - PhD Students
    - Visiting PhD Students
    - Research Assistants

How to move someone to previous members

When someone leaves our lab:

  1. Find their folder in ./content/authors and open their _index.md.
  2. Replace whatever is inside user_groups with only ["Previous Members"]
  3. Copy and paste the following bit right after if you don't want a profile page to be built:
# Add this to former members
  render: never
    render: never
    list: always

How to add a new project

In ./content/project, you can

  1. copy-paste Flora Robotica, rename it to your project's name.
  2. change the featured.jpg to another image (but keeping the same name).
  3. Modify whatever is in index.md to your project's contents.

How to add a new course

In ./content/education you can

  1. Copy-paste Modern AI, rename it to your course's name.
  2. change the featured.jpg to another image (but keeping the same name).
  3. Modify index.md by adding a summary of the course, and the external link to the LearnIT page.

More instructions

Instructions if you want to debug locally

  1. Install hugo.
  2. In the repo itself, run hugo server. That way, you can see changes live in localhost:1313.

Where to find good documentation

This site is built using wowchemy, and their documentation site is really good: https://wowchemy.com/docs/getting-started/get-started/