Backend assignment.
"body-parser": "^1.19.0",
"dotenv": "^8.2.0",
"dotenv-expand": "^5.1.0",
"express": "^4.17.1",
"multer": "^1.4.2",
"pg": "^8.0.2",
"uuid": "^7.0.3"
- Create the Database at the current user where the service will be used:
$: Connect to postgres using the current username.
$: psql -d postgres -U "$whoami"
$: Create the sc_p0st_n_c0ments database:
$: CREATE DATABASE sc_p0st_n_c0ments;
- Drive into the root of the folder project.
$: Execute the command bellow for create the tables from the Database.
$: node -p "require('./db/index.js').create_tables()"
$: Note.
$: In case you want to drop the tables, you can do it at the postgreSQL CLI
$: psql -d postgres -U "$whoami"
$: DROP DATABASE sc_p0st_n_c0ments;
- Set up the Environment Variables
This project use dotenv to become easier the environment variables concept.
Create a file at the folder route, with the name .env
- Please, follow the exact same structure of the example to do not miss in the current step (maybe some values will change on your system).
APP_DOMAIN=localhost APP_PORT=7000 APP_URL=http://${APP_DOMAIN}:${APP_PORT} DB_USER=diuble-lig DB_PASSWORD=super_secr3t DB_HOST=localhost DB_PORT=5432 DB_DATABASE=sc_p0st_n_c0ments DB_CONN=postgresql://${DB_USER}:${DB_PASSWORD}@${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}/${DB_DATABASE} DB_CONN_DEV=postgresql://${DB_HOST}:${DB_PORT}/${DB_DATABASE}
- You can now run the service:
$: node app
- This service has user interface, so maybe you can go through the url displayed at the message exported after the command execution.
- Run the project in localhost using Docker.
# Clone the project.
git clone x
# Copy and fill up the environment variables.
cp .docker/.env.dist .docker/.env
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yaml build
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yaml up
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yaml down
# Ref:
# Starts the containers in the background and leaves them running.
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yaml up --detach
# Or, run the `db` service only.
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yaml up db --detach
# Check if postgres service is live.
# Instance a `bash` session into the `cli` service.
docker compose -f .docker/compose.yaml run --rm cli bash
# Previously, install `postgres` in order to check if is ready for accepting connections.
pg_isready --host=$POSTGRES_HOST --username=$POSTGRES_USER --port=$POSTGRES_PORT
> host:5432 - accepting connections
# Connect into the db from the `cli` container
# Install the Node dependencies.
npm install
# Run the application.
node app
The set of endpoints that cover the Blog API was used principally at Postman, the link bellow will show every endpoint with an entire description.
The database contain an ERD with crow's foot notation:
One of the requirements for the assingament was use unit testing over the Core of the Project. For this porpuse, the packeage used was Jest.
The folder container of the unit testing was named __test__
- List of unitary testing:
- post.create.test: Create a new post.
- post.edit.test: Create a post and edited.
- post.view.test: Choose the post and return a response with the post.
- post.delete.test: Create and delete a post.
To run the unit testing:
$: npm test
If you want to run only one test you can do it!
$: npm test -t post.edit.test # The extension it is not need it.
The two commands bellow need to doing from the root of the project folder.
- UPDATE | DELETE ON CASCASE are not be considered on the sql code generated, deletes are maked manually.
- Since the begining of the project the attr. from the Table Commentary, id_comentary, has wrong writted at the ERD.
- For consistency snake_case was used on every own variable & function declared by the developer (camelCase functions definitions are from external libraries).
- The unit test not use mock data to run the tests over every endpoint, but no problem, static data in JSON format was writen inside of the test blocks.
- Remember to quit the typing "q" or "Ctrl+C" when the test are finish.
- The unit testings was not doing from all the project, some functions and endpoints was not tested using Jest.
- No orm or query builder was used, only raw queries on SQL to change data through the API.
- Enjoy it!