Template project for quick starting a node.js based project.
Under the root directory, remove the .git folder in order to avoid mingling with not project git commits. Either delete the folder manually or
rm -rf .git
in the CMD. -
git init
to create your own project that is version controlled by Git. Commit to get the first source code check-ingit commit -am "init commit"
. -
npm install
to install the module required by the build sytem, gulpjs. -
gulp dev
to start the live build in your development environment. To build for the production environment, rungulp build --production
. -
Replace the content of README.md with your project description.
Coding in fun!
TODO: migrate the gulp tasks updates/changes from shake_ex project (on the gitbucket.com )
TOFIX: the newly added images are not picked up by tasks!
TODO: 2016.7.26 should allow interruption of the build in case new tasks of the same kind!
SUG: gulp-notify can use Mac OS notification center for desktop notification.
gulp build
not quit after task, is it hold on by Watch task? -
TODO:ESP: how to minitoring the change if new files/folders are copied or when removing?
TODO: see if the watchify task can auto reload after a error code change
TODO: How to launch specific path html when running a local server?
TODO: react code, transforming
TODO: jslint task for code analysis
TODO: make 'build' tasks not watchified!
TODO: the image/font/js/css/audio and other unspecified asset folder requires explicit rules on file copying, see if we can --> IDEA: is it possible to create flatten assets folders referencing the files in each folder in the build?
TODO: multiple scss files preprocess
TODO: minimize the node_modules required
TODO: TROUBLE_SHOOTING, gulp-sass not installed correctly using 'npm install gulp-sass --save-dev'
TODO: in asset(html, css, javascript) building, try to refactor the 'browserSync.reload({ stream: true })' out of each task.
Q: In 'watch' task, why 'browser-sync reload' is executed before 'html' changes? A:
SUG: research to find a way (e.g. interactive session or a config file with commenting/uncommenting) in order to generate least possible node modules inside package.json
SUG: make it into a generator
DONE: concat files, js, css or other resources files NOTE: not REF: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24100357/html-reloading-using-browsersync-in-gulp HINT: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17970845/are-there-any-disadvantages-to-concatenating-all-javascript-files-including-ven HINT: consider using webpack?
DONE: tasks dependencies, sequence enforcement NOTE: use task dependency like task("task1", ["task_before_step"]) or use module 'run-sequence'
DONE: make a dist task with timestamp
DONE: clean sass, scss cache folders NOTE: no need to clean, just for fast rebuilding.
Q: How to print a list of available tasks? A:
gulp --tasks
Q: Quick start video tutorials? A: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BwzjYK1Hd0Y , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmdT2zhFmn4&list=PLv1YUP7gO_viROuRcGsDCNM-FUVgMYb_G
Q: What's the point of concatenate all js file into one? Cons and pros? A: HINT: https://www.quora.com/Is-it-better-to-merge-all-JavaScript-files-into-one-or-to-keep-them-separate , webpack thing?
Q: how to validate the gulp tasks? Any scriptable assertion? A:
How to ensure all tasks getting done before BrowserSync? A: -
Q: browser selection, A: HINT: https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-open
# example code
var os = require('os');
var open = require('gulp-open');
var browser = os.platform() === 'linux' ? 'google-chrome' : (
os.platform() === 'darwin' ? 'google chrome' : (
os.platform() === 'win32' ? 'chrome' : 'firefox'));
gulp.src('./package.json').pipe(open({app: 'chrome'}));
Q: For browserSync() call, what's the point of ['./build/**/.'] before the options? Even the file changes, not task will be carried out except reporting file changed. IDEA: hook up event? A:
Q: how to bundle vendors' javascript library? A: See task 'vendor-js'.
Q: What's all the options for autoprefix? e.g. ``` // https://webstoemp.com/blog/gulp-setup/ var AUTOPREFIXER_BROWSERS = [ 'last 3 versions', 'ie >= 8', 'ios >= 7', 'android >= 4.4', 'bb >= 10' ];
## Trouble Shooting
* When 'npm install', node-sass hangs the installation, TODO:fix by manual build, ref, ???