
A library for reasoning about a cube, the faces, corners, and edges of a cube.

Primary LanguageC++


corner-cases/cubexx and corner-cases/cubelib are two libraries for reasoning about a cube's corners, directions/faces, and edges. It is useful for dealing with data structures based on cubes, such as octrees.

corner-cases/cubexx (pronounced "queue, bex") is a C++11 header-only template library with bells and whistles.

corner-cases/cubelib (pronounced "queue, bleib") is a C header-only library; it is also made to be compilable and usable in opencl.

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  • cubelib
    • API docs
    • Motivating examples
  • cubexx
    • API docs
    • Motivating examples


Using corner-cases allows one to avoid cryptic bit-twiddling, and instead use logical and self-documenting functions provided by this library to reason about and manipulate corners of the cube.


  • Corners
  • Directions
  • Edges
  • Faces

Example functionality (cubexx) pseudocode:

  • auto corner0 = cubexx::corners_t::get(-1,-1,+1);
  • auto direction = cubexx::direction_t::get( 0,+1, 0);
  • auto corner1 = corner0.adjacent(direction);
  • auto corner2 = corner1.opposite();

Example functionality (cubelib) pseudocode:

  • corner0 = get_corner_by_int3(-1,-1,+1) - get the lower x,y, and upper z corner
  • direction = get_direction_by_int3( 0,+1, 0) - get the direction of +y
  • corner1 = move_corner(corner0, direction) - move the corner in the +y direction, return the resulting corner
  • corner2 = opposite_corner(corner1) - calculate the opposite corner


Released under the MIT License.


  • Requires CMake >= 3.1.3


  • cubelib (not build-able)
    • Header-only C library, nothing to build
    • Requires C99
  • cubelib-clgen-consts
    • Program that generates a header containing constants for cubelib, for use with opencl
  • cubelib.clgen.h
    • Target that generates the constants header, for use with opencl
  • cubelib-formatters
    • Optionally link the iostream pretty printing formatters; alternatively can define the macro CORNER_CASES_CUBELIB_FORMATTERS_HEADER_ONLY to include the functionality inline (header-only)
    • Requires C++98
  • cubelib-unittests
    • Unit tests for cubelib
    • Requires C++11
  • cubexx (not build-able)
    • Header-only C++11 library, nothing to build
    • Requires C++11
  • cubexx-formatters
    • Optionally link the iostream pretty printing formatters; alternatively can define the macro CORNER_CASES_CUBEXX_FORMATTERS_HEADER_ONLY to include the functionality inline (header-only)
    • Requires C++11
  • cubexx-unittests
    • Unit tests for cubexx
    • Requires C++11, gtest
    • Requires cppformat
      • Formatting strings for C++, mostly useful for debugging, error messages etc.
      • Tested with commit 4797ca0 (browse files)
      • BSD License


You can use corner-cases/cubexx by simply including the file cubexx/cubexx.hpp (there is also a forward declaration header you can use at cubexx/cubexx.fwd.hpp.

If you want to use the iostream formatters (for pretty printing), you should include the file cubexx/formatters.hpp and define the macro CORNER_CASES_CUBEXX_FORMATTERS_HEADER_ONLY in your project; alternatively you can link to the cubexx-formatters target, which you can build, instructions to follow.

There are also corner-cases/cubexx unit tests that can be built.

The cubexx-unittests require:

  • googletest (gtest) to be installed on the system.
  • C++11

To build (on a linux-like environment, or msys2):

#install dependencies, there are some bash scripts provided in the ./scripts/ directory
# that will download and build many of the dependencies and put them in the ./libs directory
# the scripts are meant for the continuous integration system, but you can run them yourself
# or read them for assistance.

#optionally install or download and build googletest (only matters if you are going to run the unit tests)
#note, choose the appropriate generator
#see the bash scripts for for more details
CMAKE_GENERATOR="MSYS Makefiles" CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug" bash ./scripts/download-and-build-googletest.sh
#... etc. install dependencies

#make a build directory
mkdir build && cd build
#note, choose the appropriate generator
cmake -G"MSYS Makefiles" .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug"

cmake -L # list all the user-definable variables
#on some systems, you must additionally link pthreads after gtest, so let's store pthread in GTEST_LIB
cmake . "-DGTEST_LIB=gtest;pthread"

#now build
#optionally make the cubexx formatter lib for iostream pretty printing
cmake --build . --target cubexx-formatters
#optionally make the unit tests
cmake --build . --target cubelib-unittests
#or make all
cmake --build .

To run the unit tests:

#in the build directory


Use of the library in C does not require anything to be built.

You can use corner-cases/cubelib in C99 by simply including the file cubelib/cubelib.h (there is also a forward declaration header you can use at cubelib/cubelib.fwd.h.

If you want to use the iostream formatters (for pretty printing), you should include the file cubelib/formatters.hpp and define the macro CORNER_CASES_CUBELIB_FORMATTERS_HEADER_ONLY in your project; alternatively you can link to the cubelib-formatters target, which you can build, instructions to follow.

The library can however be built for use in opencl, in which case certain constant-arrays need to be pre-calculated. To do this, corner-cases/cubelib includes a target called cubelib-clgen-consts, which can be built and which will generate the headers with the constants. There is also a direct target called cubelib.clgen.h which will build everything necessary and dump the header into the build directory.

Furthermore, there are also corner-cases/cubelib unit tests that can be built.

The cubelib-unittests require:

  • googletest (gtest) to be installed on the system.
  • C++11

To build (on a linux-like environment, or msys2):

#install dependencies, there are some bash scripts provided in the ./scripts/ directory
# that will download and build many of the dependencies and put them in the ./libs directory
# the scripts are meant for the continuous integration system, but you can run them yourself
# or read them for assistance.

#optionally install or download and build googletest (only matters if you are going to run the unittests)
#note, choose the appropriate generator
#see the bash scripts for for more details
CMAKE_GENERATOR="MSYS Makefiles" CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug" bash ./scripts/download-and-build-googletest.sh
#... etc. install dependencies

#make a build directory
mkdir build && cd build
#note, choose the appropriate generator
cmake -G"MSYS Makefiles" .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug"

cmake -L # list all the user-definable variables
#on some systems, you must additionally link pthreads after gtest, so let's store pthread in GTEST_LIB
cmake . "-DGTEST_LIB=gtest;pthread"

#now build
#optionally make the program that generates the opencl consts header, unnecessary
cmake --build . --target cubelib-clgen-consts
#optionally make the generated opencl consts header
cmake --build . --target cubelib.clgen.h
#optionally make the cubelib formatter lib for iostream pretty printing
cmake --build . --target cubelib-formatters
#optionally make the unittests
cmake --build . --target cubelib-unittests
#or make all
cmake --build .

The program cubelib-clgen-consts will be built, which can generate the required header cubelib.clgen.h, which will itself be generated as well in the build directory.

To run the unittests:

#in the build directory