
C-API wrappers for c++ interfaces

Primary LanguageCThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A proof of concept for exposing C++-API with pure-interfaces to C-consumers preserving type safety.


Given some C++-API which contains some pure interfaces, for example

//some pure cpp-interface
class Interface{
    virtual void foo() = 0;
    virtual int bar(int) = 0;
    virtual ~Interface() = default;

//functionality using cpp-interface
void use_interface(Interface &obj);

we would like to use it from pure C-code. Yet because there are no virtual classes in C, we cannot use this functionality out-of-the-box.

C-API wrapper

The prof of concept can be found in the prototype-folder and consist of the following part.

  1. Core C++-functionality (prototype/cpp_interface.*).
  2. C++-wrapper around the core-functionality exposing the core-functionality as C-API (prototype/c_interface.*).
  3. An example of a pure C-implementation of C++-interfaces wrapped in the above C-API.
  4. C-consumer of the above C-API (prototype/main.c).


The C-API wrapper makes by hand, what C++-compiler would do automatically:

  1. use struct for aggregation of the data member of the mocked c++-class.
  2. first element of the above struct is a virtual table, which can be overwritted by the "derived" subclasses.
  3. An adapter wraps data-struct + vt into a c++-representation of the interface.


Build the prototype in the prototype-folder via

sh build.sh

and run it via
