
implements buffer protocol for indirect data layouts

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


implements buffer protocol for indirect memory layouts


Wraps indirect 2D memory layouts, e.g. int** in Python via buffer-protocol. Makes it possible to pass data from/to Python to/from C/C++-routines with such layout.

This is Python3-only package.



  • Python 3 (tested with Python 3.6)
  • setuptools
  • Cython
  • c-build chain

Additional dependencies for tests:

  • sh
  • virtualenv


To install the module using pip run:

pip install https://github.com/realead/indirect_buffer/zipball/master

It is possible to uninstall it afterwards via

pip indirect_buffer indirect_buffer

You can also install using the setup.py file from the root directory of the project:

python setup.py install

However, there is no easy way to deinstall it afterwards (only manually) if setup.py was used directly.



To create memory with indirect layout, in the example below a writeable 2x3-int**, use:

from indirect_buffer import IndirectMemory2D
mem = IndirectMemory2D.create_memory(rows=2, cols=3, format='i', readonly=False)

format should be given as usual (for example in struct-module).

Use memoryview to access the data:

view1 = memoryview(mem)
view2 = memoryview(mem)
view1[1,2] =  42
print(view2[1,2], 42)


cdef IndirectMemory2D create(Py_ssize_t rows, Py_ssize_t cols, object format, int readonly)


from indirect_buffer.buffer_impl cimport IndirectMemory2D
mem = IndirectMemory2D.create(5,6,b'i',0)

In Cython code, it is also possible to create a IndirectMemory2D from already existing pointer, which for example is returned by a call to C-API:

cdef IndirectMemory2D from_ptr(void* ptr, Py_ssize_t rows, Py_ssize_t cols, object format, int readonly)


from indirect_buffer.buffer_impl cimport IndirectMemory2D
cdef int val = 5
cdef int *ptr = &val
cdef int **ptr_ptr = &ptr
mem = IndirectMemory2D.from_ptr(<void *>ptr_ptr,1,1,'i',0)

In this case IndirectMemory2D only wraps but doesn't own the memory. One could however pass a memory_nanny, which would make sure, that the pointer doesn't become dangling and is freed, when the IndirectMemory2D object is deallocated. Use for that:

cdef IndirectMemory2D from_ptr_with_memory_nanny(void* ptr, Py_ssize_t rows, Py_ssize_t cols, object format, int readonly, object memory_nanny)

An example of such a memory_nanny could be the following cdef-class:

from libc.stdlib cimport free
cdef class WholeMemoryNanny:
       frees not only the ptr, but also all ptr[i]
    cdef void *ptr
    cdef Py_ssize_t row_count

    cdef WholeMemoryNanny create(void *ptr, Py_ssize_t row_count):
         cdef  WholeMemoryNanny self =  WholeMemoryNanny()
         return self

    def __dealloc__(self):
        cdef Py_ssize_t i
        cdef void** p
        if self.ptr is not NULL:
            p = <void**> self.ptr
            for i in range(self.row_count):
                    if p[i] is not NULL:

The memory becomes deallocated as soon as the memory_nanny-object is deleted, which happens when IndirectMemory2D is deleted (unless memory_nanny is shared between multiple IndirectMemory2D objects.

copying data

The indirect memory layout isn't supported by numpy, so the data needs to be copied to/from numpy arrays. This can be achieved with help of copy_from and copy_to routines:

def copy_from(self, obj, cast=False)
def copy_to(self, obj, cast=False)

obj should implement the buffer-protocol and have the same shape as the IndirectMemory2D-object, the same format if cast==False or the same itemsize if cast==True.

However, in some scenarios the copying can be avoided by creating a memory view via BufferCollection2D (see below) or via IndirectMemory2D.view_from_rows() or IndirectMemory2D.view_from_rows().

views from 2D-arrays with direct memory layout

For example:

import numpy as np
a =  np.zeros((7,4), order="C") #rows must be contiguous
mem  = IndirectMemory2D.view_from_rows(a, readonly=False) # throws if a is not writable
memoryview(mem)[0,1] = 6.0
print(a[0,1]) # prints 6.0


import numpy as np
a =  np.zeros((7,4), order="F") #cols must be contiguous
mem  = IndirectMemory2D.view_from_columns(a, readonly=False) # throws if a is not writable
memoryview(mem)[1,0] = 6.0 # rows and cols are switched in IndirectMemory2D!
print(a[0,1]) # prints 6.0

with ctypes-pointers

One could also wrap an indirect pointer obtained by ctypes via

def from_ctype_ptr(ptr, Py_ssize_t rows, Py_ssize_t cols, bint readonly=False)

for example:

import ctypes
data=(ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int)*2)((ctypes.c_int*1)(0), (ctypes.c_int*1)(42))

mem = IndirectMemory2D.from_ctype_ptr(data, 2,1)

mem.reinterpret_data('i') #  memoryview doesn't understand `<i`, but other consumers might do
print(view[1,0])   # prints 42


Can be used to view a collection of objects, which can export its continuous memory via protocol-buffer, as indirect memory. That means it can be used to pass a list of numpy-arrays as double** to C-API:

from indirect_buffer import BufferCollection2D
mem = BufferCollection2D([arr1, arr2])
view = memoryview(mem)
print(view[1,1])  # 100 == ord("d")

The API:

BufferCollection2D(rows, column_count=-1, format=None, unravel = True):


  • rows the collection/iterable of buffer-objects. They all shoud have the same length and same format.
  • column_count number of columns/elements in an row. -1 for auto-dection. Throws a BufferError if inconsistent.
  • format format-description. None for auto-dection. Throws a BufferError if inconsistent.
  • unravel pass True to unravel multi-dimensional arrays. In case of False only one-dimensional arrays are accepted.

The resulting BufferCollection2D is read-only, if ther is at least one read-only input object. One can also set the resulting buffer to read-only via BufferCollection2D.make_read_only(), which will throw if buffer is locked.s


For testing of the local version run:

sh test_install.sh p3

in the tests subfolder.

For testing of the version from github run:

sh test_install.sh p3 from-github

For keeping the the virtual enviroment after the tests:

sh test_install.sh p3 local keep


sh test_in_active_env.sh

to install and to test in the currently active environment.


0.1.0: IndirectMemory2D, BufferCollection2D