
Quickly print/log the variable in your favourite language

Primary LanguageVim Script


Quickly print/log the variable in your favourite language


Use your favourite plugin manager to install. I use vim-plug.

Plug 'meain/vim-printer'


There is two keybinding in each normal mode and visual mode. In normal mode it works on current word under cursor and in visual mode it works on the visual selection.

  • <leader>p to add print/log statement below current line
  • <leader>P to add print/log statement above current line


You can change the default keybindings like below. It will be used both in normal mode and visual mode.

let g:vim_printer_print_below_keybinding = '<leader>p'
let g:vim_printer_print_above_keybinding = '<leader>P'

You can add new languages or override existing by using:

The text inside {$} will be replaced by the variable

let g:vim_printer_items = {
      \ 'javascript': 'console.log("{$}:", {$})',
      \ }

Future TODO

  • add some kind of debug mode print eg: logging.log() in python or println!('{:?}', var) in rust
