

  1. Retrieve questions from the test set via script (qald_10.json should be in the same directory as the script).

  2. Translate questions from other languages to English via t5_translation.ipynb.

  3. Run KEQA_inference.ipynb notebook to generate predictions using KEQA framework. Rename the file with predictions in the following manner: en_prediction.txt for EN questions, ru_questions.txt for RU questions, de_questions.txt for DE questions and ze_questions.txt for ZH questions.

  4. Run the following shell pipe:

tail -n +N_START questions.txt | head -n CHUNK_SIZE | python3 -m deeppavlov interact kbqa_сq >> answers.txt,

where N_START is the number of the first line (question) to process and CHUNK_SIZE is the number of questions to process.

  1. Finally, generate submissions for all languages via generate_submission.ipynb.