.NET Core Boilerplate

note: alpha stages

How to use

  1. Optional: fork to your own account on GitHub

  2. clone to your machine

  3. dotnet restore

  4. modify Models/*.cs to create your csharp Models for Entity Framework Core; add any seeded data to the Seeder class

  5. dotnet ef migrations add init - create the initial migrations for the database seeding

  6. dotnet ef database update - write the migrations to the database

  7. dotnet watch run - run and watch the file changes;

  8. if at any point you install a package through NuGet or change the project.json file - stop the watcher and re-run step 3 and step 7

  9. if at any point you change a model, rerun steps 5 and 6

  10. open http://localhost:5000 to view local server

  11. to deploy:

    To https://now.sh:

    • npm install -g now
    • from project folder: now
    • open the url provided

    To https://heroku.com


  1. Please submit issues on GitHub with proper taggings / labels.
  2. Reach out to @matthiasak.