
Primary LanguageGroovy

This is the GitHub repository for the social media phenotype paper, currently live as a preprint here. Please contact k.slater [AT] bham.ac.uk with any questions.

  • The processed results of the analysis, with the BDLP and SMP associations, can be found in ./data.json.
  • You can also browse the results here (it is a bit friendlier)
  • The rest of the files concern scripts and code for evaluation (in scripts/) and intermediate data or external public data in (data/)
  • The original transactions are not made available, according to our licence agreement with White Swan.

Scripts in Order of Execution

Processing literature phenotypes

You can skip this phase, but if you want to regenerate the literature phenotypes and their mappings to DOID, you can run the following:

groovy scripts/process_litphens.groovy

groovy scripts/format.groovy > data/raw_transactions.tsv

This interpolates the raw CSV files provided by WS into a single file.

We will also edit it to remove the DOIDs that don't exist from the file.

Result: data/raw_transactions.tsv

groovy scripts/process_transactions.groovy

This takes the data/raw_transactions.tsv, propagates phenotypes, calculates NPMI, creates transaction profile for permutations.

groovy scripts/run_permutations.groovy

groovy scripts/process_associations.groovy

groovy scripts/format_class_for_ic.groovy

sh ./scripts/get_ic.sh

QVals in R

Run the R script!

groovy scripts/find_explicit_nonmatch.groovy

groovy scripts/create_output_json.groovy

Subsequent analysis

groovy scripts/create_facet_counts.groovy

groovy scripts/create_disease_facet_counts.groovy


This contains the code to look at perplexity, facets, radarcharts etc.

groovy scripts/create_ws_dis-dis_network.groovy

This will create the similarity matrix between diseases in the BL-DP and the SM-DP.

groovy scripts/get_group_ic.groovy

calculate average IC for constitutional sympyoms

groovy scripts/create_klarigi_input_all.groovy

Clinical Review

We don't include the original JSON files with the responses, but the data sheet that it produces is stored in data/review/responses.tsv

Table 2

This is produced using Klarigi

klarigi --data data/klarigi_input/input.tsv --resnik-ic --debug --min-exclusion=0 --min-ic=0.6 -o data/hp.owl --output-scores --output-type=latex --egl --min-inclusion=0.02 --scores-only

Table 3

klarigi --debug --data data/create_facet_counts/bldp_constitutional.tsv -o data/hp.owl --verbose --output-type=latex --output-scores --scores-only --egl --min-exclusion=0 --min-ic=0 --min-inclusion=0.04 --include-only-classes=HP:0025142

klarigi --debug --data data/create_facet_counts/smdp_facet_profiles.tsv --group="smdp_all_constitutional" -o data/hp.owl --verbose --output-type=latex --output-scores --scores-only --egl --min-exclusion=0 --min-ic=0 --min-inclusion=0.04 --include-only-classes=HP:0025142