
Daily Practice for C Programming of date structure and algorightmsm

Primary LanguageC


This Project is a self-study practice for myself only.
Daily Practice of date structure and algorithms.


This Practice Project is base on book Algorithms in C
This book is intended to survey the most important computer algorithms in use today. and to teach fundamental techniques to the growing number of people in need of knowing them.
This book is provided for student or developer who have acquired basic skills and familiarity with programming.


16 Chapters grouped into four major parts: Part I cover fundamental concepts PART II cover data structures PART III cover sorting algorithms PART IV cover searching algorithms This book is intended for anyone conversant with a modern crogramming language and with the basic features of modern computer systems.

Programming Language

The programming language used for all of the implementations is C. The strategy that we should use for understanding the program is to implement and test them , to experiment with variants.


Internet and I


some online courses

Data Structure and Algorithms of SJTU Youtube


Note for this couses

what is it ?

算法面试通关40讲 Youtube


Note for this courses

some basic knowledge

Three point to help us master in something.

  • Chunk it up
  • Delibrate practicing
    ** 坚持 可以练习
    ** 练习缺陷 弱点地方
    ** 不舒服、不爽、枯燥
  • Feedback what should we do to preper for data structure ?
  • Clarification
  • Possible Slution: compare(time/space) and optimal(be much stronger)
  • Coding
  • test casess

Algorithm Complexity

  • 时间复杂度

  • 空间复杂度

Data Structure
