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Utilize graph anonymization algorithms to solve seed based de-anonymization. In the seed based de-anonymization dataset, there are two graph files (G1.edgelist and G2.edgelist) and a seed node pairs file. The graphs are given in edgelist filetype. Each row in G*.edgelist represents an edge connecting two nodes. For example, the first row in G1.edgelist <0 330> means there is an edge between node 0 and node 330 in Graph 1. The seed node pairs file (seed_node_pairs.txt) gives some matched node seed pairs. In the file seed_node_pairs.txt, the first column refers the node number in G1 and the second column refers the node number in G2. For example, in the first row of seed_node_pairs.txt, <0 3389> means the node 0 in Graph 1 is mapped to node 3389 in Graph 2. Given those mapped seed pairs in seed_node_pairs.txt and two graphs, the project outputs the full nodes pairs between Graph 1 and Graph 2.