
CMPT395 Volunteer Time-tracking App built in Vue and Express

Primary LanguageVue



"Brown - Project Team Tracking.docx" - Tracks scrum meetings for the 3 Sprints.

"Brown Final Document.docx" - Examples of each function we finished and what it looks like.

Downloading and installing mysql.

2) Click the MySQL Server option.
3) Download the appropriate file for your operating system.
4) Follow the install prompts.

You may need to install node modules with the following command.

$ npm install

Vue startup instructions. You will need two shells.

1) On one shell start the client's server with:

$ npm run dev

2) From the server folder start the server's server with:

(Linux/Mac) $ npm start (Windows) $ npm run winstart

You may need to run npm install -g nodemon (-g stands for global)

Setting up MySql with a non-root user:

The following instructions for the unix/mac command line log in as root, create the specific account to be used in the code, confirm visually, and exit.

1 Unix/Mac) Logs in as root to allow for the creation of accounts.

$ mysql --user=root mysql

1 Windows) Log into mysql shell from start menu.
2) Identified by is the password

mysql> create user 'browncar'@'localhost' identified by 'brown';

3) Give permission to use all databases

mysql> grant all privileges on . to 'browncar'@'localhost' with grant option;

Note: markdown has removed the asterisk above on github. If viewing from github, please use: mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'browncar'@'localhost' with grant option;

4) Optional. Your new user should be listed.

mysql-> select user from mysql.user;

5) Exit mysql.

mysql> \q

Note: You will need to have the password and username in your mysql match that in the newStart.js file (possibly insertTable.js as well).

Setup the caraway database:

1 Unix/Mac) Log in to mysql.

$ mysql -u root -p

1 Windows) Log into mysql shell from start menu.
2) Create an empty caraway database.

mysql> create database caraway;

3) Log out of mysql.

mysql> \q

4) Download the caraway.sql file from shared drive **********************
5 Unix/Mac) Import the caraway table into my sql from the command line.

$ mysql -u root -p caraway < caraway.sql

5 Windows) Import the caraway table into my sql from the command line. Note: your mysql path in quotes may be different.

$ "C:\Program Files\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.7\bin\mysql.exe" -u root -p caraway < caraway.sql