- 2
Swift enum cases out of order
#1406 opened by thePsguy - 0
- 2
Fatal error: Loading sourcekitdInProc.framework/Versions/A/sourcekitdInProc failed
#1407 opened by dabrahams - 1
- 0
#1405 opened by SaidAlmashrafi - 8
Could not cast value of type 'Swift.String' (0x7ff8556a6848) to 'Swift.Dictionary<Swift.String, SourceKittenFramework.SourceKitRepresentable>' (0x7ff855e42708).
#1399 opened by david-hm-morgan - 1
Suspected "conflicting type declarations"
#1396 opened by SimplyDanny - 3
Unable to generate Test Documents
#1398 opened by jpeters-ml - 2
- 2
- 2
- 4
`block in next_doc_module_group': undefined local variable or method `_1' for Jazzy::SourceKitten:Module (NameError)
#1388 opened by nabhanh - 4
- 3
- 3
Error generating documentation: Could not find SPM module
#1381 opened by sbooth - 2
- 2
- 4
Missing docs with @available(iOSApplicationExtension, unavailable) and APPLICATION_EXTENSION_API_ONLY = YES
#1376 opened by MarcoEidinger - 2
Can't exclude files generated during build.
#1377 opened by clemens-unterkofler - 2
iOS only SPM won't build
#1375 opened by simonmcl - 1
zsh: no matches found: --documentation=./*.md
#1373 opened by richardtop - 3
Runtime error in running jazzy: undefined method `deprecator' for ActiveSupport:Module (NoMethodError)
#1370 opened by zorgiepoo - 4
Xcode 15: Unknown symbol kind swift.extension
#1368 opened by esteluk - 2
Jazzy chokes on target names containing '-'
#1364 opened by dabrahams - 2
Many errors reported on valid source
#1361 opened by dabrahams - 4
- 1
- 2
The installation of jazzy through gem does not work (OSX 13.4.1 / XCode 14.3.1)
#1357 opened by LairdTurner - 1
Search option is not working.
#1352 opened by GeethaTesting - 4
- 3
- 6
[iOS Xcode] Unable to generate documentation for module header files (.h) defined in bridging header for ObjectiveC and swift mixed project.
#1349 opened by GeethaTesting - 2
Objc XCFramework - jazzy failed with error: 'MyModule/Myfile.h' file not found
#1343 opened by ferencIOS - 2
Xcode 14 Error | no such module
#1324 opened by iSgarb - 6
- 3
sourcekitten.rb:657:in `block in expand_extensions': undefined method `include?' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
#1325 opened by alkhimey - 6
Huge Error Message, Where There Is No Apparent Error (Documentation Works)
#1328 opened by ChrisMarshallNY - 1
No docset is created from sourcekitten JSON
#1326 opened by alkhimey - 2
- 3
Xcode 14 Error | Could not successfully run `xcodebuild`
#1322 opened by iSgarb - 2
- 2
How to integrate jazzy with docusaurus?
#1316 opened by monica-m-ps - 2
- 2
Multiple Sourcekitten Sourcefiles Undocumented Count
#1317 opened by mh-dmclean - 2
Can anyone share the RunScript of jazzy in swift project with integration process
#1314 opened by Sanjeev0414 - 2
Cross-referencing within comments
#1315 opened by monica-m-ps - 3
Some Objective-C methods/variables are not documented without of direct #import
#1310 opened by gerchicovy - 4
Swift Package
#1312 opened by rwarnecke - 1
objc method produces multiple methods in generated swift interface but jazzy ignores some of them
#1311 opened by gerchicovy - 4
When I run the command line order to generate the doc, it displayed the error
#1307 opened by ARIEnergy