Adapters for combining Realm Java with Android UI components and framework classes
- 7
Publish to somewhere else besides jcenter
#165 opened by ink404 - 0
How do I detect OnScrolled in RecycleView with RealmRecyclerViewAdapter? It won't call
#167 opened by LeeSeungYongg - 3
Auto scroll after update realm data
#144 opened by Draptol - 4
Add a listener for data changes
#86 opened by eygraber - 9
- 0
Kotlin RecyclerView Sections with Realm
#160 opened by cherimo - 5
- 8
Refector Android Support to AndroidX
#147 opened by cyberdean - 25
Inconsistency detected in RecyclerView
#76 opened by tamtom - 2
Update Adapter data keeps old ViewHolder(s)
#156 opened by JonathanImperato - 1
- 9
- 7
Auto scroll to end postion
#130 opened by KingWu - 2
Realm repeating lines on realm adapter?
#149 opened by gelbertgel - 0
Allow changing autoUpdate and updateOnModification in RealmRecyclerViewAdapter
#146 opened by ridcully99 - 0
Adapter behavior when deleting entry in local db
#145 opened by Stugglzzz - 3
FR: Support sections in RealmRecycler
#129 opened by trimolesi - 1
- 0
- 1
How can you eliminate this error?
#134 opened by vs011 - 1
How to know when RealmResults changed?
#138 opened by demogorgorn - 3
Doesn't work properly with header
#100 opened by LPFinch - 3
Fatal Singnal Exception
#126 opened by saeedmozaffariGithub - 3
Remove first item from RealmRecyclerView
#127 opened by scifinder - 3
`getItemIndex()` returns index instead of NO_ID
#132 opened by cmelchior - 3
- 2
is there any update to this repo?
#131 opened by jmrbcu - 0
- 0
OJO Snapshots are not being uploaded
#87 opened by cmelchior - 1
- 9
Drag and drop functionality.
#93 opened by levibostian - 0
Readme shows 2.0.0 as latest even though it is 2.1.0
#123 opened by Zhuinden - 18
- 17
- 2
Data validation check missing from RealmBaseAdapter
#112 opened by Zhuinden - 7
Flicker with autoUpdate as true
#107 opened by letronje - 7
Fatal Exception: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Inconsistency detected
#101 opened by yesidlazaro - 1
- 9
An error occurs only when the 0th item is deleted.
#108 opened by suyeonhan - 1
Multiple view types on RecyclerView adapter?
#106 opened by n2316090 - 6
Toggle auto update in adapter
#104 opened by sandeshlasnapure - 2
- 1
RealmBaseAdapter NullPointerException
#85 opened by EdgarAirapetov - 8
- 1
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Publish JavaDoc
#80 opened by bmeike - 3
Scroll to Position not working
#75 opened by dimparf - 2
cannot updateData when Realm is closed
#58 opened by YusukeIwaki - 12
- 2
Realm getting closed without calling realm.close()
#60 opened by coletz