RMErrorRecoveryAttempter is a class that conforms to the `NSErrorRecoveryAttempting` informal protocol and harnesses the power of blocks allowing you to provide recovery options for an error.
- AmnellForefront Consulting Group AB
- andr8w
- aufflick@googlers
- berklee
- bmeltsYelp
- cherifyaSF Bay Area, US
- crsantosFarfetch
- danpalmer@Google
- darwin@binaryage
- dhennessyPeer Assembly
- exherb1984pulse
- felipekNyvra
- glebdPixelEspresso
- horseshoe7Berlin, Germany
- johankool@egeniq
- joshuatbrown@roadfire
- juliengrimaultSan Francisco
- marcboquetBarcelona
- meiwinSingapore
- mxcl@pkgxdev
- myell0wIdeasOnCanvas GmbH
- nickcheng@smartnews
- peterblazejewiczGN Poland/Jabra+ Poland
- pyjamasam
- rastersize@netflix
- reddavisNuman
- shujin
- soniccat
- tmdvs@sketch-hq
- tomazGentle Bytes
- tritcheyRed Rome Logic, LLC
- unikitty37Sussex, UK
- williSan Francisco + Copenhagen
- yatsu
- yood