
The most epic sauce programming language ever :3

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ether Documentation

The most epic sauce programming language ever!!! :3

If you find bugs, create an issue!

Common formatting / Notes

  • Functions, such as println(n), will have parenthesis around arguments.
  • Functions can be nested nearly infinitely.
  • Spp is a zero-indexed language.
  • Files in the Ether format will be denoted with the file ending ".etr".
  • The Config.json file is necessary for the interpreter to function.
  • Line breaks, spaces, and tabs are not neccessary for the program to run.
    • An exception to this are comments.



  • Enables multiple functionalities meant for debugging purposes.
  • If the value of "Debug" is set to 1, the interpreter does the following:
    • Prints the whole Config.json file to the console upon loading it.
    • Prints the program file's contents to the console upon loading it.
    • Prints the length of the file to the console.
    • Prints the amount of time it took for the file to be parsed for keywords.
    • Denotes when no errors occurred while parsing the file.
    • Shows the list of keywords after the file has been parsed.
    • Prints to the console when exit() is used.


  • Enables or disables the file picker that appears when running Interpreter.py
  • If the value is set to 0, Interpreter.py uses the file stored in "Default_file"


  • Stores the path for the program file that Interpreter.py uses when "File_picker" is set to 0.


  • Announces comments in the console when passing over them.


  • Determines how many previous keywords are displayed when an error message is displayed.

# Comments

  • Starts with a hashtag.
  • Ends with a new line.
  • Comments can also go at the end of a file, even without a trailing new line.
  • If the "Announce_comments" value of Config.json is set to "1", they will be announced when passed over.

Console functions


  • Instantly exits the program, with n as the exit code.
  • Prints the exit index & where
  • n = A value of type string or int.


  • Prints n to the console in a line.
  • n = A value of any type.


  • Prints n to the console, without a new line.
  • n = A value of any type.

Printvl(n, x)

  • Prints n to the console, with x as the ending.
  • n & x = Values of any type


  • Asks the user for an input, then returns that input.
  • Uses X as the stem when asking for the input.
  • X = A value of any type.


  • Raises an error with X as the error code.
  • X = a value of type string

Variable functions

Let: x = n

  • Assigns variables
  • x = The name of a variable
  • n = A value of any type.
  • Spaces are optional.
  • Variable reassignments don't need the "Let:" keyword
  • Example:
let: x = 7
let: y = x
x = 3
y = add(x, y)
print(y) # 10


  • Returns the type of X.
  • X = a variable of any type


  • Returns the length of X.
  • X = a variable of any type.


  • Increments var by one.
  • Faster when interpreting than saying i = add(i, 1)


  • Decrements var by one.
  • Faster when interpreting than saying i = subtr(i, 1)

String functions

Join(x, y)

  • Joins X & Y into one string.
  • Returns a string.
  • x & y = Values of any type
  • Spaces are optional

Slice(x, start, end, step)

  • Slices X, like the built-in python function.
  • X = the value to be sliced, of type string.
  • start, end, & step = integers
  • Spaces are optional


  • Returns the shuffled version of X.
  • x = A value of any type.

gtchar(x, y)

  • Returns the Yth character of X.
    • (Zero-indexed)
  • X = Value of type string.
  • Y = Value of type integer.

rpchar(x, y, z)

  • Replaces the Yth character of X with Z.
    • (Zero-indexed)
  • X & Z = Values of type string
  • Y = value of type integer.


Remove.substring(x, y)

  • Removes Y from X, and returns the result.
  • Y & X = Values of type string.
  • Spaces are optional

Boolean functions


  • Inverts the input & returns the result.
  • x = a value of type boolean.

And(x, y)

  • Returns the logical AND of X & Y.
  • x & y = values of type boolean.
  • Spaces are optional

Or(x, y)

  • Returns the logical OR of X & Y.
  • x & y = values of type boolean.
  • Spaces are optional

Xor(x, y)

  • Returns the logical XOR of X & Y.
  • X & Y = values of type boolean
  • Spaces are optional

Arithmetic functions


  • Evaluates the mathematical expression inside and returns the result.
  • To use variables, use curly braces with the variable name inside, like {index}.
  • Supported symbols:
    • + - Addition
    • - - Subtraction
    • * - Multiplication
    • / - Division
    • % - Modulus
    • ^ - Exponentiation
    • () - Parenthesis
    • {} - Variable usage

add(x, y)

  • Adds X & Y, and returns the result.
  • X & Y = values of type integer.
  • Spaces are optional.

subtr(x, y)

  • Subtracts Y from X, and returns the result.
  • X & Y = values of type integer.
  • Spaces are optional.

multi(x, y)

  • Multiplies X & Y together, and returns the result.
  • X & Y = values of type integer.
  • Spaces are optional.

divi(x, y)

  • Floor divides X by Y, and returns the result.
  • X & Y = values of type integer.
  • Spaces are optional.

pow(x, y)

  • Raises X to the power of Y, and returns the result.
  • X & Y = values of type integer.
  • Spaces are optional.

mod(x, y)

  • Modularly divides X by Y, and returns the result.
  • X & Y = values of type integer.
  • Spaces are optional.


  • Takes the square root of X and returns that value (rounded down).
  • X = a value of type integer.


If(x): {}

  • If X is true, code inside the brackets gets ran.
  • Otherwise, skip to the closing bracket.
  • Spaces are optional
  • Line breaks are possible inside the brackets.

Isequal(x, y)

  • Checks if both values are equal
  • Returns either True or False.
  • x & y = Values of any type
  • Spaces are optional

Isgreater(x, y)

  • Checks if X is greater than Y.
  • Returns either True or False.
  • x & y = Values of either int or string.
  • Spaces are optional

Islesser(x, y)

  • Checks if X is less than Y.
  • Returns either True or False
  • x & y = Values of either int or string
  • Spaces are optional


While(x): {}

  • While X is true, repeat the code inside the loop.
  • If X is false, the loop will end when the closing bracket is reached.
  • Condition checks are only made when the closing bracket is reached.
  • If X is false on the first check, no code inside the brackets will be ran.
  • X = A value of type boolean.
  • WARNING: Using this can lead to an infinite loop, only able to be broken out of with Ctrl + C.
  • Spaces are optional.

Fornumb(x): {}

  • Repeats code inside the brackets X amount of times
  • X = a value of type integer
  • Spaces are optional.
  • Line breaks are possible inside the brackets.


  • Breaks out of the highest level loop.
  • Does not require any arguments or inputs.


Define foo args("bar", "baz") -> int: {}

  • Defines a function with the name foo.
  • Foo will take in two values as its inputs, bar and baz.
    • Input variables NEED to be defined before creating the function.
    • Input variables also need to be defined as a string in the function definition. (fix this later)
  • Returns a value if -> {type} is included, otherwise it returns none.
  • When called, the code inside the brackets will be run.
    • This example is called with the format foo("argument 1", "argument 2")

Return x

  • Only used inside of functions.
  • Returns X out of the function.
    • Unless there's no -> type included OR if -> none is included when defining the function, then nothing should be included after it.
  • Is required for any function to return from itself properly without breaking.
  • Cannot be inside of a while or for loop, as it must be at the function's base level. (fix this later)
    • You can get around this by using a variable to store the function's return value before actually returning.
    • Example: (rBoolean is the return value)
let: string = "";
let: character = "";
let: rBoolean = False;
let: indexOfChar = 0;
define isCharInString("string", "character") -> boolean: {
  indexOfChar = subtr(0, 1);
  rBoolean = False;
  fornumb(len(string)): {
    if(isequal(gtchar(indexOfCharacter, string), character): {
      rBoolean = True;
  return rBoolean

Other functions


  • Pauses the program for n seconds.
  • N = A value of type integer.


  • Pauses the program for n milliseconds.
  • N = A value of type integer



  • Starts the timer, which runs until timer.stop() is called.


  • Restarts the timer.


  • Stops the timer.
  • The timer value is frozen at the ending value, so you can still use timer.get() after stopping the timer.


  • Gets the current timer value.
  • Returns the current value as a string.

randint(x, y)

  • Returns a random integer between x & y, including both x & y.