Flask Bitcoin

Build an app that will find the best exchange rates for Bitcoin (USD -> Bitcoin) from the following cryptocurrency exchanges:

  1. Bitstamp
  2. YoBit
  3. Bittrex

It should have the following pages:

  1. The first page should display the rates and highlight the best one
  2. The second page should display the rates over time

Getting Started

  1. Fork/Clone
  2. Create and activate a virtualenv
  3. Install dependencies
  4. Create the db - python create_db.py

Sanity Check

  1. Grab data - python data.py
  2. Run the app - python app.py and then navigate to - http://localhost:8080/data and you should see something like:
    "exchange": "bitstamp",
    "price": 1201.37,
    "time": 1201.37

Kill the server once done.


$ sh run.sh

This will run data.py to collect data and then run the server in the background. Check http://localhost:8080/data to make sure it's working. You should also see got data outputs in the terminal whenever data is collected.