List of Open Source projects by Mozambican Developers
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
- cambiomz - Unofficial BCI Exchange API, that let you get the money exchange data available on Mozambique BCI Bank website. By @kradnoel
- firecoil - Load images from Cloud Storage for Firebase in your Android app (through a StorageReference), using the image loading library Coil. By @rosariopfernandes
mpesa-wordpress-plugin - M-PESA Payment Gateway for woocommerce - Wordpress. By @herquiloidehele
mpesa_sdk_dart - Dart | Flutter library for M-Pesa API (Mozambique). By @realrgt
- Nyandayeyo - Reports App By @Nelzio
- reaque - Repository for the Reaque android app. Reaque is a mobile tool where you can share and find stories from Mozambique. From thoughts and culture, through history and gastronomy, to tourism and even fashion, if it is something about Mozambique, you should share or find it in Reaque. By @horaciocome1
simple-recyclerview-adapter - General purpose object that can be costumized to each case (item layout) by the time of creation. Similar to what is done on Listview with default adapters. Compatible with androidx. By @horaciocome1
simple-recyclerview-touch-listener - An android library to simple handle user touch events over recyclerview. By @horaciocome1
- Tocha - 🔥 Full-Text Search for Firebase Projects that use the Spark (Free) plan. By @rosariopfernandes