Keyword Manager


  • Ruby 3.2.2
  • Redis
  • Postgres 14+
  • Chrome


  1. Install foreman
gem install foreman
  1. Install gems
bundle install
  1. Copy .env.sample and rename to .env
cp .env.sample .env
  1. (Optional) Update variable in env

  2. Create Database and migrate

rails db:create db:migrate


Web UI

  • Sign in. (/users/sign_in)
  • Sign up. (/users/sign_up)
  • Upload a keyword file. (/keywords/upload)
  • View list of keywords. (/keywords)
  • View the search result information for each keyword. (/keywords/:id)
  • Search across all reports. (/keywords?q=)

API (optional) auth with JWT

  • Sign in ([POST] /api/users/sign_in)
  • Get the list of keywords. ([GET] /api/keywords)
  • Upload a keyword file. ([PUT] /api/keywords/upload)
  • Get the search result information for each keyword. ([GET] /api/keywords/:id)

Technical Requirements

  • Use Ruby on Rails (7.x.x).
  • Use PostgreSQL.
  • For the interface, front-end frameworks such as Bootstrap, Tailwind or Foundation can be used. Use SASS as the CSS preprocessor. Extra points will be provided to the neatness of the frontend. (Tailwind)
  • Use Git during the development process. Push to a public repository on Github or Gitlab. Make regular commits and merge code using pull requests (Github)
  • Write tests using your framework of choice. (Rspec and Capybara)