
Display TF2 information as rich presence in discord.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

TF2 - Discord Rich Presence

Display TF2 information as rich presence in discord.

Small preview


Installation / How to use

Windows Instructions:

  1. Install NodeJS
  2. Clone this repository into a folder
  3. Open a command prompt inside the folder and enter npm install
  4. Move autoexec.cfg into your <Steam>\steamapps\common\Team Fortress 2\tf\cfg folder and restart tf2, if opened (NOTE: If you already have a autoexec.cfg just add con_logfile "discordrichpresence.log" to the end of it)
  5. Go back to the command prompt we opened earlier and enter node index to start the process (This step is obsolete if you use the Autostart feature)

Start the process and leave it running! When you close it the rich presence will disappear.


This WILL modify your configs if you leave it to the default settings.

In order to make this whole thing work it creates a config file for every single class and every single map on startup.

If a config already exists it appends the stuff needed.

  • If you don't want it to modify your existing configs set appendExisting in the config.json to false.

  • If you don't want it to create/modify configs at all set generateConfigs in the config.json to false. (Then basically the entire thing wont work unless this was set to true at least once)

PM2 / Autostart


  1. Open a command prompt inside the folder from Installation / How to use
  2. Install pm2 with npm install pm2@latest -g
  3. Install pm2-windows-startup with npm install pm2-windows-startup -g
  4. Enter pm2-startup install to set up the autostart
  5. Enter pm2 start index.js --name "TF2 RichPresence"
  6. Enter pm2 save
  7. Everytime windows starts up the process will run in the background and automatically display when needed.

In the end the output in your command prompt should look something like this

Some notes for running it

  • It will automatically start the rich presence when you start TF2
  • It will automatically close the rich presence when you close TF2

How to use your own Discord application with custom images

  1. Create an application on Discord
  2. Go to Rich Presence > Art Assets and upload all images you want.
  3. Replace the client ID from the config.json with the one you have in General Information on the website


  • Maps are called exactly what they are called ingame. pl_badwater ingame is pl_badwater in the assets list.
  • The menu asset is used when the client is in the main menu
  • The default asset is used on maps which dont have a image by default in our application
  • demoman, engineer, heavy, medic, pyro, scout, sniper, soldier & spy are used for the different classes
  • The assets folder are the images I use in my application. They are taken from the TF2 Wiki

It should look similar to this