
Take a look at my traefik version 2 configurations including traefik v2, portainer, atlassian jira, atlassian confluence, atlassian crowd and rocket chat.

My Docker Development Stack (traefik, gitlab, Jira, Confluence, Crowd, Rocketchat & Portainer)

Some days ago traefik released it's brand new Version 2 (RC1) including http and TCP routing (including SSH) - YAY! So i've rebuilt our docker development stack to consolidate all needed services from different machines on a new all-in-one docker server.

First of all: The documentation of traefik V2 is huge and detailed, but it's impossible to find any good tutorials or copy-and-paste examples to get things fast up and running. However, after many hours of reading the forums, searching github issues and drinking wine, i had all containers in production.

If you have any questions - just open an issue :-)

traefik v2 Proxy

My configuration includes the following files:

  • docker-compose.yml for the docker container
  • traefik.toml for general traefik configuration
  • provider_file.toml to define a global accessible http to https redirect middleware
  • acme.json for letsencrypt

Lets Encrypt integration

It's important to

sudo touch /var/acme.json
sudo chmod 600 /var/acme.json

for security purposes. The file can be left empty and will be automatically filled with the letsencrypt responses.

http-to-https redirect middleware

I use two entry points for each webservice. One for (unencrypted) http traffic and one for https. So we need to define a middleware in the docker labels for unencrypted port 80 access.

# Entry point for http
- traefik.http.routers.traefik.entrypoints=web
# Listen domain 
- traefik.http.routers.traefik.rule=Host(`traefik.domain.com`)
# Use a middleware named "redirect" to forward the request to https (defined in provider_file.toml)
- traefik.http.routers.traefik.middlewares=redirect@file

Due to the fact that i want to reuse the middleware i've created a separate provider file which contains the configuration for the new scheme.

Example label for secure entrypoint to redirect the traefik dashboard

The docker-compose.yml includes necessary rules to access the traefik dashboard via traefic via https,

# secure entry point (port 443)
- traefik.http.routers.traefik_secure.entrypoints=web-secure
# Listen domain
- traefik.http.routers.traefik_secure.rule=Host(`traefik.domain.com`)
# Letsentrypt
- traefik.http.routers.traefik_secure.tls.certresolver=letsencrypt
# Port for traefik dashboard
- traefik.http.services.traefik.loadbalancer.server.port=8080

Naming convention: I usually use the name of the app for the routers definition eg. traefik and add _secure for the secure entry point. Router names can only used once for all running docker services.

Gitlab (https + SSH via traefik)

The main reason for switching to traefik v2 was that it supports hostname based tcp routing. All versions below only worked for web (http + https). Out old (dedicated and undockerized) gitlab server used port 22 for ssh access. With the new possibilities of traefic v2 we are able to run gitlab in a docker environment which is easier to maintain.


First of all, define the ssh port in the gitlab environment variables so that all links in the "clone repository" section work:

# This refers to the ssh port Traaefik has for the ssh entry point
gitlab_rails['gitlab_shell_ssh_port'] = 2222

And the traefik labels:

# define hostname for the gitlab-ssh router
- traefik.tcp.routers.gitlab-ssh.rule=HostSNI(`gitlab.domain.com`)
# define the ssh entry point
- traefik.tcp.routers.gitlab-ssh.entrypoints=ssh
# define service to use
- traefik.tcp.routers.gitlab-ssh.service=gitlab-ssh-svc
# define backend port to use, this is the port Gitlab ssh listens on
- traefik.tcp.services.gitlab-ssh-svc.loadbalancer.server.port=22


If you want to access ssh on port 2222 you also need to add this as a new entry point in the traefik.toml:

address = ":2222"

Port 22 vs. 2222

If your servers ssh daemon listens on another port than 22 it's possible to use 22 for gitlab. Just change the port number to a port of your choice.


Configs are self-explaining if you take a look at the traefik and gitlab config.

Atlassian Confluence, Jira Software + Crowd

Configs are self-explaining if you take a look at the traefik and gitlab config.


Configs are self-explaining if you take a look at the traefik and gitlab config.


Configs are self-explaining if you take a look at the traefik and gitlab config.

Server Specs


  • Intel Haswell i5-4590 (quad-core, up to 4x 3,7 GHz)
  • 32 GB DDR3 RAM
  • 2x 500GB SSD
  • 1 Gbit/s Uplink


  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • Docker 18.09.7
  • docker-compose version 1.25.0-rc2

Useful links